Binder offers ideas for a new relationship with aboriginals

By Solange DeSantis
Published March 1, 2003

Pointing the way toward an improved relationship with the Anglican aboriginal peoples of Canada, a looseleaf binder called “A New Agape” has been produced and about 1,000 copies have been distributed so far to diocesan synod offices, members of all General Synod committees and native parishes.

The dioceses of Ottawa, Ontario, Nova Scotia and Niagara requested more than 100 copies each and have distributed them to their parishes, said Lydia Laku, program assistant for eco-justice and indigenous justice in General Synod’s partnerships department. In Niagara, copies were made available at the Jan. 18 special synod that approved the church’s agreement with the federal government on native residential schools. “We have only five boxes left (in Toronto) with 24 in each,” Ms. Laku said. She also noted that the diocese of Toronto has ordered 210 copies for its parishes “and we hope more will respond” so that a new printing can be ordered.

The 100-page binder, subtitled “A binder of stories and ideas to unbind the chains of oppression,” was the result of a 2001 General Synod resolution which called for a new relationship with Canada’s indigenous peoples, one based on respect and partnership. Using the Greek word for love of God, it was dubbed “The New Agape.”

The binder outlines the history of native and non-native contact in Canada, including the residential schools era, sets out goals for a new relationship, collects stories of such “New Agape” events as healing circles and the blanket exercise, which illustrates the historical shrinking of land available for native people. It also provides a list of books and videos and worship resources. The binder was produced by a number of contributors, including the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples, the Anglican healing fund and the General Synod departments of faith, worship and ministry and partnerships.

For further information, see, e-mail [email protected], or phone (416) 924-9199, ext. 786.


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    Solange De Santis was a reporter for the Anglican Journal from 2000 to 2008.

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