Solange DeSantis



Yukon bishop faces discipline

The controversy in the diocese of New Westminster over whether to bless gay relationships took a grave turn last month as Archbishop David Crawley moved

Settlement fund nearly at $7 million

The Indian residential schools settlement fund has collected $6.95 million (of a $25 million target) from Canadian Anglican dioceses and from General Synod as of

Crash victims mourned

The plane crashed 10 km from its destination of Nibinamik, Ont. The predominantly Anglican native community of Nibinamik, also known as Summer Beaver, in northern

ACIP finds energy for indigenous church

ACIP co-chair Todd Russell and General Synod indigenous co-ordinator Donna Bomberry examine a pastoral letter released jointly by native and non-native church leaders following an

Is the organ set for a comeback?

All the Stops , a history of the pipe organ’s development in America in the last two centuries, brings back childhood memories. My grandfather, George

ACIP, church leaders examine relationship

Aboriginal Anglicans and leaders of the Anglican Church of Canada will meet in Winnipeg in early October, seeking to explore a relationship fractured by dissent

Church honours Namibian

Anglican Archdeacon Nangula Kathindi was recognized by the Presbyterian Church in Canada for her work in Namibia. TorontoA dynamic Anglican priest from Africa received an

Canada sees first sanctioned blessing

Michael Kalmuk, left, and Kelly Montfort were the first same-sex couple to have their union blessed in a Canadian Anglican church in May. Five years

ECUSA decisions on sexuality cause waves

Members of the traditionalist American Anglican Council distributed leaflets outside General Convention. MinneapolisExpect a lot of attention. When the Anglican Church of Canada, as expected,

Church investments fall victim to market

Several Anglican Church of Canada investment funds were adversely affected in 2002 by poor stock market performance, including the pension fund, consolidated trust fund and

Churches react to same-sex rulings

The Anglican Church of Canada’s debates about homosexuality were thrown into a completely new context in June when the Ontario Court of Appeal ruled that

Healing circle video garners award

Gathering at the River, an Anglican Video production about last year’s healing circle in the diocese of Rupert’s Land, was a winner at the Canadian

U.S. bishops hear Canadian financial appeal

The Canadian church’s financial resources have been depleted by residential schools litigation, Archbishop Michael Peers told the Episcopal Church of the United States (ECUSA) General

Novel depicts agony of residential school life

Porcupines and China Dollsby Robert Arthur AlexieStoddart PublishingISBN 0-7737-3305-1286 pages, $32.95 This is the first novel that, to my knowledge, deals with the experiences of

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