Anglican Journal



Chaplains provide support for soldiers

Col. Archdeacon Karl McLeanAnglican military ordinariate The Council of General Synod listened to a presentation made by Col. Archdeacon Karl McLean, Anglican military ordinariate of

Churches tackle climate

Uppsala, SwedenNobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus and author Peter Matthiessen are among those who have said they will attend an interfaith climate summit being

Meet Old Cal, the philosopher

I FIRST MET Old Cal in the kitchen of the parish hall where he was brewing a cup of tea. He wore baggy pants and

Task force reviews primate’s role

Bishop Michael InghamDiocese of New Westminster The Council of General Synod heard that the task force on the role of the primacy wants to seek

Canada apologizes for residential school abuse

Prime Minister Harper presents a framed Statement of Apology to 104-year-old Margeurite Wabano in the House of Commons When Prime Minister Stephen Harper stood in

Liturgical fashion

A workshop provided by a fabric artist specializing in liturgical apparel recently unleashed the creativity of Anglicans and Lutherans from The Pas, Man. Marion Jenkins,

Houldcroft nomination approved by consensus

The Council of General Synod agreed by consensus to the nomination of Archdeacon Helena- Rose Houldcroft, director of the diocese of Toronto’s Flemingdon Park Ministry,

Ownership ‘clearly vested in the diocese’

A British Columbia Supreme Court justice on May 28 ruled that a group of dissident parishioners at Victoria’s St. Mary of the Incarnation, Metchosin, diocese

Loose change yields 500 glasses

Loose change can buy a cup of coffee. Or, pulled together, can buy reading glasses and new beginnings for some people in Central America. Parishioners

Clergy Leadership Institute created

The diocese of Ottawa has set up a Clergy Leadership Institute that will tap the leadership skills of experienced clergy who will serve as mentors

Cutler is suffragan bishop

Archdeacon Ronald Cutler, rector of St. John the Evangelist in Lower Sackville, N.S., is the new suffragan bishop. The diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince

Young adults serve as ambassadors

Utrecht, NetherlandsYoung adults dubbed “ambassadors for ecumenism” are to scrutinize the work of the Council of Churches in the Netherlands for one year as of


Canon James Robinson, diocese of Calgary, posts his responses to a series of questions during a priority planning exercise at the Council of General Synod

Restrictions for HIV-related travel

Arusha, TanzaniaThe main governing body of the Lutheran World Federation has called on its member churches to advocate for the removal of discriminatory travel and

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