Archbishop Linda Nicholls

  • Archbishop Linda Nicholls

    Archbishop Linda Nicholls is primate of the Anglican Church of Canada.


Something new waits to be born

Going back is never what you thought it would be! Do you remember returning to your hometown and discovering a new building on the corner?

On being Church

For many reasons, including the changes brought about by the pandemic, I have found myself reflecting on what it means to “be church”—and in particular, what it means to be the Anglican Church of Canada.

Photo: Thomas Kinto/Unsplash

The dignity of difference

At the 2008 Lambeth Conference, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, then chief rabbi in England, was a guest speaker at one of the plenary sessions.

God is here, God is with us

As I write this, we are still in the  midst of the COVID-19 lockdown. A skiff of snow lies on the ground outside my window.

From the Primate: “Be still and know…”

All around us, creation is waking up from its winter hibernation. Birds have returned from their wintering places; snow is melting; grass is greening; and

Waiting for hope

As a young person in the church, I was taught that the first words to be spoken on Easter morning—and to everyone you met that day—were: “ALLELUIA, CHRIST IS RISEN!” and, in response, “THE LORD IS RISEN INDEED, ALLELUIA!”

From the Primate: Lamentation as a gift

At a recent meeting those present acknowledged that nothing will ever be the same again, even after the urgency of COVID-19 has passed. In that

From the Primate: ‘Where is God?’

The most challenging question for any person of faith is “Where is God in the midst of suffering?” It is the question that is on

COVID-19 and us

We are facing an unprecedented pandemic in the COVID-19 crisis. Although we have seen serious illnesses emerge in the past 20 years, we have not

Keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus

In the fall, the Council of General Synod and the House of Bishops heard the Rev. Neil Elliot’s statistical report.

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