Archbishop Linda Nicholls



"As the 1970s-era bumper sticker puts it, 'God isn’t finished with me yet'" Image: Rowley/Shutterstock Composite

Thoughts on a change of season

On Sept. 15 I am beginning a transition of vocation after almost 39 years of ordained ministry. I will still be an ordained bishop but without a particular role in a parish or diocese or national office. I will be “retired.” In the past months of reflection on this transition I’ve begun wondering, first, what it will be like to not have the responsibilities of the primacy or a diocese to occupy my heart and mind. I’ve begun to acknowledge the losses of role and identity I’ll experience—losses I both long for and anticipate with sadness.

Joy in small steps!

As I write this in late March, I’m mindful that we recently passed t the fourth anniversary of the start of the lockdowns due to the pandemic. In March 2020 we were suddenly confined to our homes, shocked at the speed with which COVID-19 caused chaos. We wondered whether the church would survive being unable to gather in person.

Living the gospel is listening—and responding

Recently I spoke with a group of new clergy at a post-ordination gathering. They are all in the early years of ministry and bring enthusiasm and energy to their desire to serve the gospel. I was envious as I recollected my own enthusiasm in ministry 39 years ago. However, I also recalled times when I was too sure that I knew the “right” way to do things and held too firmly to one perspective, missing the grace of needed nuances or of different ways of being or doing.

Remembering the humanity of our leaders

There is great excitement when someone in your family or parish is ordained. A sense of pride and joy permeates the congregation and there are

God, our companion in the new year

As a student I loved September! The beginning of a new school year meant a fresh start with a new teacher and a stack of

Harbingers of hope in a strife-torn world

The outbreak of war in the Holy Land began with the horrific attack by Hamas on civilians in Israel and escalated to an attack on—and,

Discipleship is for every baptized Christian

In September the internet was flooded with “first day of school” pictures—the photos parents had taken of their offspring standing on the porch, backpacks filled

Reflections on General Synod and Assembly

Writing only days after the conclusion of the Assembly and General Synod 2023 held in Calgary, let me reflect on some aspects of this synod

Finding help in turbulent times

“I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where will my help come?” (Psalm 121:1) This cry speaks to our hearts as we look

Called to self-examination

On Ash Wednesday we committed ourselves to a season of “prayer, fasting and self-examination.” We all know that we fail to fully live into our

The dilemma of MAID

The conversation about medical assistance in dying (MAID) in Canada began out of a desire to ease the transition to death for terminally ill people experiencing intractable pain and suffering. After discussion and debate, Canada in 2016 legally permitted access to MAID for adults facing imminent death due to terminal illness, if they were deemed to be suffering intolerably.

Feed your soul, and let God be revealed

Teachers quickly discover there are a variety of learning styles in any classroom. Some students need to move; they experience learning through their bodies. Others

Saying yes to God’s call—one seed at a time

In 1979, 16-year-old Jadav Payeng dreamt of reforesting an island in the Brahmaputra River near his home in India. More than 40 years later, 550 hectares of forest now is home for wildlife and lost biodiversity has been restored. He did that by planting one tree every day since 1979.

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Is Lambeth worth it?

Why is the Lambeth Conference important? It’s one of the “instruments of unity” for Anglicans. We have repeatedly learned that the most important element in sustaining unity is meeting with one another.

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