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Letters to the Editor


Letters to the Editor

Shoddy allegations Dear editor, Regarding your September analysis of the Lambeth Conference, you rightly state that “it would be hard to prove a connection beyond

Letters to the Editor

Preserving the peace Dear editor, Your September article, Peace Activists Target Cenotaph, concerning the war memorial at St. Paul’s Bloor Street in Toronto is a

Letters to the Editor

Canon disrespectful Dear editor: I am writing in response to your May editorial, Pink Slips No Remedy for Unsatisfactory Clergy, and to the report, No


Not respectable Dear editor, I was taken aback to read, in October’s Anglican Journal, that “the wedding (of Adrienne Clarkson and John Ralston Saul) “could

Letters to the Editor

Palestinians must see Jews in Israel to stay Dear editor, The demands made by Sabeel in your April Focus on Middle East page were disturbing.

Tradition: readers respond to book

  The Challenge of Tradition Discerning the Future of Anglicanism John Simons, editor Anglican Book Centre $18.95 (paper) ISBN 1-55126-163-4 Anglican Essentials Reclaiming the Faith

Letters to the Editor

Greener pastures for all? Re: Scientists probe brief brushes with the afterlife (Jan. 14, 2011, what I find puzzling about reports of near-death experiences