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Letters to the Editor


Letters to the editor

First, ask God, then listen to your conscience Dear editor, I propose a revolutionary idea for the leaders of the Anglican church. Currently, the church

Letters to the editor

Canada’s churches need to change their tactics Dear editor, Archbishop Michael Peers is to be commended for his intervention for delegates who experienced less-than-hospitable treatment

Letters to the editor

Leaving Coronation Street behind for church The priest from St. Clement’s in Toronto and I have had many conversations. He was not aware of my

Letters to the editor

Her own personal JesusDear editor, After four months of not attending church I was surprised and pleased when the priest of my former church phoned

Letters to the editor

PWRDF to address costs, funding and finances Dear editor, I am writing in response to Peter Carroll’s letter, calling on PWRDF to ‘examine structure’ (May

Letters to the editor

ACIP member attended signing ‘in my own right’ Dear editor, The article entitled “Schools agreement signed” (April) has greatly disturbed me. It says, in part,

Letters to the Editor

Admiration and support for a fellow bishop Dear editor, I have known Bishop Terrence Buckle for more than 30 years, as a fellow priest, as

Letters to the Editor

Inspiring project is backed by Primate’s FundDear editor, Thank you for publishing the inspiring article about the Tumelong Mission in South Africa (January 2003). In

Letters to the editor

Let us gladly assume collective responsibilityDear editor, I am writing to express my strong support for the agreement our church has made with the federal

Letters to the editor

Doesn?t tolerance for children go both ways? Dear editor, In the article ?Let the little children come to me? (October 2002), it?s ironic to find

A ritual to cancel the effects of a blessing?

Dear editor, Those opposed to the blessing of same-sex couples have a simple recourse: to curse them. There need be nothing malicious or uncharitable about

Readers write

Following are excerpts from letters to the editor about the New Westminster decision. The synod had the best intentions when it passed this resolution, however,

Letters to the editor

Religion is not provableDear editor, Why do practicing Christians persist in writing letters to the editors of both religious and secular papers claiming that if

Letters to the editor

Ingham praisedDear editor, The condensed version of Michael Ingham’s essay, “The Episcopate” (March, 2002), is excellent. The bishop of New Westminster has proposed a clear

Letters to the editor

DiscriminationDear editor, It is probably safe to assume that most people would agree that a person who holds no religious beliefs can be a complete

Adoption of warship troubles reader

Dear editor, As I read the February Journal, I found one news blurb deeply troubling: I wondered why any church would “adopt” a warship. Adopting

Why promote Spong? Because he makes us think

I would like to answer the question, “Why promote Bishop Spong?” asked by Richard Harstone (January Letters.) One has to wonder whether Mr. Harstone has

Letters to the editor

Reasonable analysisDear editor, Richard Harstone’s question “Why promote Bishop Spong?” (January Letters) surprised me, but perhaps it needs an answer. Bishop Spong is the only