Jane Davidson

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End of Cariboo termed inevitable

Kamloops, B.C. The now inevitable demise of the bellwether diocese of Cariboo will happen with little local fanfare on Dec. 31, instead of Oct. 15.

How the story gets told

A VAST MEDIA room, an electronic forum with daily “ezine” bulletins, Web cams and traditional paper press kits are all pieces of the mix that

Malaysian partner

JUDY BERINAI, the only woman among the three international partners invited to General Synod in July, is a mix of controdictions: a Malaysian, trilingual indigenous

Charleston to preach at Synod

Bishop Steven Charleston, a Native American Choctaw and outspoken advocate for healing the long-lasting after-effects of early Christian colonizers on North American native peoples, will

Zimbabwe partner at synod

International partners are invited to every General Synod where they are expected to offer fresh perspective and a critical viewpoint. “We hope our partners will

Canada briefs

Anniversary Emmanuella House of Prayer, in the diocese of Kootenay, celebrated its first anniversary as a retreat center last October. In the first year, visitors

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