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Fred Hiltz

  • Fred Hiltz

    Archbishop Fred Hiltz was primate of the Anglican Church of Canada from 2007 to 2019.


Who are the 70?

Last fall, Dr. Walter Deller put this question to the directors ofGeneral Synod ministries. It came at the end of a very scholarlydissertation on chapter 11 in the Book of Numbers. Feeling the burden of leadership for the people of Israel, Moses took his concern to the Lord.


England for the enthronement-or, as we in Canada say, “the seating”-of the new Archbishop of Canterbury, which will take place on March 21. On that day in our calendar of holy men and women, we commemorate the life and labours of Archbishop Thomas Cranmer, the chief architect of the principle of common prayer in the language of the people.

Start praying

This summer in Ottawa, the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada and the National Convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada are meeting in Joint Assembly under the theme, “Together for the Love of the World.”

Yes: A beautiful sound

It was an amazing moment, among so many others, at this summer’s Sacred Circle in Pinawa, Man. Almost 250 men and women representing indigenous peoples

Olympic flame

The highlight of the ceremonies that opened the London Olympic Games was the parade of nations. Country by country, the athletes entered the stadium to

You are my beloved

I have just returned from a retreat with the Brothers of the Society of St. John the Evangelist (SSJE) at their monastery in Cambridge, Mass.

Tuesday Drop-in

It was two o’clock on a Tuesday afternoon before Christmas at the Cathedral Church of St. James in downtown Toronto. A large crowd of men


It never ceases to amaze me how, at every church gathering, God graces us with the presence of someone whose holiness calls us to think

Come as you are

I travel by bus and subway to my office in downtown Toronto. It takes about 45 minutes. On an early morning commute last week, I

A big thank you

As of Feb. 8, Canadian Anglicans have given over 
$1 million to support relief efforts in Haiti. Your gifts, which are matched dollar for dollar


She was tiny, old and had difficulty walking. She’d been missed as the plate was passed through the congregation. Determined to make her offering, she

… and he shall reign ever’

Tis the season for lessons and carols. In story and song we hear of God’s plans to restore all things through his Anointed One. Once