Fred Hiltz

  • Fred Hiltz

    Archbishop Fred Hiltz was primate of the Anglican Church of Canada from 2007 to 2019.


Thank you

On June 25, 2007, I was installed as the 13th primate of our beloved church. It was a hot and humid night, and St. Matthew’s Church in Winnipeg was like a sauna! I was so overwhelmed with the responsibilities of the ministry to which I had been called, I remember little of the liturgy except the great relief of the congregation in being sprinkled with water as we renewed our vows in baptism! While momentary, the relief was welcomed!

‘Pressing on’

That is an image that comes to mind as I think of our church’s efforts to become post-colonial. It speaks of a journey. As Indigenous and

‘The eyes of our faith’

O God, Your Son made himself known to his disciples In the breaking of bread. Open the eyes of our faith, That we may see

‘Let us pray’

As the outgoing primate, my primary task is to call the church to prayer.

Celebrating the Baptism of the Lord

In November last year, I was in Amman, Jordan, for the Majma (synod) of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem. While there, I had the privilege

Living branches

A recent visit to the Church of the Redeemer in downtown Toronto brought back the memory of a visit I made there on the First

A wonderful legacy

(This column first appeared in the June 2018 issue of the Anglican Journal.) For just a few minutes, I want to take you to a

‘We wish to see Jesus’

In many churches, these words are etched on a brass plaque or penned on a piece of parchment near the pulpit. They are from the

‘Draw near with faith’

I was brought up with the 1962 Book of Common Prayer (BCP). I was, as they say, “steeped in it,” so steeped that some of

To Cuba

(This article first appeared in the February 2018 issue of the Anglican Journal.) This month, I travel to Cuba for the annual synod. The diocese

‘What makes the Holy Land holy?’

(This column first appeared in the January 2017 issue of the Anglican Journal. It has since been updated with new information.) This was the title


While it is well known that Nicholas (whose feast day is December 6) is the patron saint of children, it is less well known that

Two men in orange overalls

(This article first appeared in the October 2017 issue of the Anglican Journal.) It was a lovely morning in August when my friend Percy and

Good disagreement

(This article first appeared in the September 2017 issue of the Anglican Journal.) Occasionally in my travels throughout our beloved church, people will ask where

Devoting ourselves to prayer

St. Luke writes that following the Ascension of the Lord, the disciples were gathered in an upper room “constantly devoting themselves to prayer.”

The cross of Christ and the power of his resurrection

In many places the large rough wooden cross carried into the Good Friday liturgy remains in place throughout the first few weeks of Easter. But now bunches of spring flowers surround its foot and a good length of white linen is draped over its arms. Once a cruel instrument of torture and death, it has become for us a wondrous sign of hope and glory in Christ.

Pilgrims take part in the Christian Orthodox Holy Fire ceremony at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem’s Old City. Photo: Ammar Awad/Reuters

Torches of triumph

This year, I will have the pleasure of spending Holy Week and Easter Day at Christ’s Church Cathedral in Hamilton, Ont.

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