Episcopal News Service



Faith leaders are calling for a humanitarian response to the plight of children who have crossed the U.S. border to flee violence in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. Photo: Diocese of Los Angeles

Religious leaders call for prayers for migrant children

Los Angeles Bishop J. Jon Bruno was among religious and civic leaders who called for a weekend of prayer and compassion July 19-20 for more than 52,000 young children who are in United States custody after fleeing violence, murder and extortion by criminal gangs in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras.

An artist’s rendering of a contemporary design for a new cathedral in Christchurch, New Zealand, which received the most support of three options at a recent synod. Photos: Courtesy of ENS/Anglican Taonga.

Christchurch Cathedral options weighed

According to Taonga News, the synod of the diocese of Christchurch has resoundingly endorsed a modern architectural vision for the new cathedral to be built

Jan Butter, Anglican Communion director of communications, announces the relaunch of Anglican World at the recent Anglican Consultative Council meeting in Auckland, New Zealand. Photo/ACNS

Anglican World magazine relaunches

Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams has spoken about the ‘state of the Communion’ in the official magazine of the Anglican Communion, relaunched at the recent

U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, particularly over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, has emerged as a key election issue. Photo: Boris Stroujko

Presiding bishop writes to presidential candidates

Katharine Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop of the U.S. Episcopal Church, has written to both candidates in the Nov. 6 American presidential election. According to information

Moravian Seal, or Agnus Dei, stained glass window in the Rights Chapel at Trinity Moravian Church, Winston-Salem, NC. Photo:JJaackman/Wikimedia Commons

Moravian pastor to lead a U.S. Episcopal church

This month, a Moravian pastor was installed as rector of a U.S. Episcopal Church for the first time since the two denominations inaugurated a full-communion

The Rev. Canon Oge Beauvoir has been consecrated as the Diocese of Haiti's first bishop suffragan. Photo: ENS

Oge Beauvoir becomes Haiti’s bishop suffragan

The Rev. Canon Oge Beauvoir, dean of the Episcopal Theological Seminary in Port-au-Prince, became the Diocese of Haiti‘s first bishop suffragan May 22 during a service

Former presiding bishop Allin dies

Bishop John M. Allin, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church (U.S.A.) from 1973 to 1985, died March 6, at the age of 76, after suffering

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