Brian Sarjeant


The Rev. Laurette Glasgow (left) and the Rev. Mavis Brownlee speaking to the Charter of Quebec Values motion at the Ottawa synod Photo: Art Babych

Dismay and concern over proposed charter

The diocese of Ottawa has expressed its “dismay and profound” concerns over the PQ government’s proposed Charter of Quebec Values, which would ban public employees from wearing Sikh, Jewish and Muslim headwear, and Christians from wearing visible large crucifixes, while at work.

Catherine Chapman (left) and Shafeeqa Dawani (right) at the Ottawa Synod Photo: Art Babych

Productive partnership continues to flourish

Two bishops’ wives told the diocese of Ottawa’s synod on Oct. 19 that they wanted to share with members an idea they had been discussing to help develop the growing partnership between Ottawa and the Diocese of Jerusalem.

Primate offers support to affected churches

A global crisis such as the tsunami disaster in South-East Asia always contains within it a glimmer of hope, the primate, Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, told

Former prolocutor receives merit award

The primate, Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, applauds Amy Newell, after presenting her with the Anglican Award of Merit, the highest honour for an Anglican lay person,

Canada’s reputation damaged

Ottawa Canada’s reputation of welcoming strangers is in serious trouble following the federal government’s treatment of certain delegates to the Lutheran World Federation convention held

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