Beatrice Paez



Squeezing ISIS’ source of funds is a better solution than airstrikes, the Rev. Nadim Nassar tells a gathering at St. John’s (Stone) Church. He also says”religious reconciliation” is necessary to rebuild trust in Syria and Iraq. Photo: Beatrice Paez

Iraq airstrikes not a solution, says Syrian priest

The U.S.-led airstrike campaign is hardly a plausible solution to quelling the encroaching and horrific reign of Islamic State militants in Syria and Iraq, the Rev. Nadim Nassar, the lone Syrian Anglican minister and director of the London, England-based, Christian charity, Awareness Foundation.

Built in the mid- to late 1880s (existing data offers conflicting dates of 1884 and 1889) after the Great Fire of Saint John in 1877, the rear end of Anglican House was once used as an auditorium for meetings, teas, lectures and discussions. File Photo: Marites N. Sison

End of an era as Anglican House closes

Saint John, N.B.
Victims of declining demands for print products and the trend toward making online purchases at more competitive prices, Anglican House and its neighbour, Ten Thousand Villages, will close at the end of this year.

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