Bob Bettson

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    Bob Bettson is a Toronto freelance writer.


Morning worship at Shalom Justice Camp, St. John the Evangelist, Peterborough, Ont. Photo; Michael Hudson

What we learned at Justice Camp

Food banks present Christians with a dilemma. Our biblical imperative is to feed the hungry, yet food banks in Canada, set up on a large

Primate seeks sponsors

As the first wave of Kosovar refugees begins settling in at temporary homes at Canadian military bases, the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund is

Anglicans aid Kosovars

The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund has responded to an appeal for emergency aid by the International Orthodox Christian Charities to help the people

Roof repairs start at St. Anne’s

The scaffolding is up inside St. Anne’s Church in west Toronto to allow art conservators to evaluate the damage done to valuable paintings, by members

Christian charities overlooked

Though Christian churches and other faith communities make up about 40 per cent of the 75,000 registered charities in Canada, these were virtually ignored by

Ecumenical talks key focus of gathering

Canadian Anglicans who participated in the Eighth Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Harare, Zimbabwe, say the highlight of the 10-day gathering didn’t

Speakers focus on fund-raising

What’s the difference between fund-raising and stewardship? Stewardship is when we pray before we put our hands in your pockets. That was a joke told

Heresy still alive and well today

Heresy is a word many Christians would shy away from in an age where tolerance is seen as a virtue. But heresy accurately describes many

Charity council fights tax moves

Revenue Canada faces a fight over moves to restrict issuance of tax receipts by religious charities. The Canadian Council of Christian Charities, which embraces a

Beardy cleared after police investigation

No criminal charges will be laid by the Ontario Provincial Police following an investigation into the use of proceeds of a walk for Native healing

Christian TV gets licence

Religious television in Canada is headed for uncharted territory following the granting to televangelist David Mainse of a licence for a station in lucrative southern

Gay-straight ‘marriages’ proposed

A book maintaining that homosexual men should be free to marry heterosexual women has brought a storm of criticism down on the author, an instructor

War clouds gather

Zimbabwe’s Roman Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace predicts that Zimbabwe will face civil unrest if President Robert Mugabe’s government refuses to apologize publicly for

Essentials appears part of landscape

In an indication that the Essentials Movement has both come of age and become an established part of the Anglican landscape, more than 1,000 Anglicans

Eucharist ruling fuels new debate

Should lay people be permitted to celebrate the eucharist? The answer to that question, posed recently to an ecclesiastical court of the Anglican Church of

Bishop denies improper use of funds

Bishop Gordon Beardy and members of the Diocese of Keewatin vigorously deny there is anything improper in the expenditure of funds raised by the bishop’s

Bishop, Israeli envoy’s talks cordial

Embroiled in controversy over a Christmas sermon denouncing Israel’s treatment of Palestinian Arabs, Bishop John Baycroft of Ottawa met Israeli Ambassador David Sultan recently in

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