André Forget



Meghan Kilty, the Anglican Church of Canada’s director of communication, says giving media access to church leadership is a key part of the General Synod communications plan. Photo: André Forget

General Synod communications plan unveiled

When General Synod meets in Richmond Hill, Ont., from July 7-12, making sure the church and Canadian society at large know exactly what is going on will be the cornerstone of the communications plan, said Meghan Kilty, director of communications for the Anglican Church of Canada.

Archdeacon Michael Thompson discusses proposed recommendations, including a change in the frequency of working group and task force meetings. Photo: André Forget

‘New ways of working’ need to be reviewed, says Thompson

Changes introduced after General Synod 2013 to streamline the structure and operations of the national church have met with mixed results, Archdeacon Michael Thompson said in his report to a March 12 meeting of Council of General Synod (CoGS).

Archdeacon Terry Leer shares the perspective on ethical investing of Anglicans from the oil-rich diocese of Athabasca. Photo: André Forget

Alberta Anglicans urge engagement over divestment

When it meets July 7-12, General Synod will be asked to consider a resolution asking that a task force be created to “review the investment policies and practices” of General Synod assets and those of the General Synod Pension Plan, “in light of the church’s faith and mission, including [its] social and environmental responsibilities.”

Archbishop Fred Hiltz says so much time and energy have been devoted to debate over human sexuality, at the expense of other issues such as violence against women and climate change. With him at the CoGS meeting head table are Cynthia Haines-Turner, deputy prolocutor, and General Synod Chancellor David Jones. Photo: André Forget

Hiltz: Why can’t Anglicans care about issues other than sexuality?

Mississauga, Ont.
In his reflections during the last session of Council of General Synod (CoGS) for the last priennium, the primate of the Anglican Church of Canada expressed frustration that Anglicans have not exhibited the same degree of passion for human rights issues as it has for debates about same-sex marriage.

Monica Patten, Resources for Mission interim director, notes that older people are often the most generous donors because they "have less debt...[and] greater capacity to give." Photo: Marites Sison

Resources for Mission reports slight increase in donations

The Anglican Church of Canada may be facing demographic challenges, but response to fundraising remains strong, said Monica Patten, interim director of Resources for Mission (RfM) in a March 11 presentation to Council of General Synod (CoGS).

Archbishop Fred Hiltz (third from left) opens the spring meeting of Council of General Synod. Photo: André Forget

Bishops explain same-sex marriage statement to CoGS

As Council of General Synod (CoGS) members gathered March 10 for their last meeting of the triennium, the question of how they will prepare the 2016 General Synod for its upcoming vote on same-sex marriage hung heavily over the proceedings.

Members of the Episcopal Church of Cuba synod and guests gather outside the Holy Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Havana. Photo: Andrea Mann

Future role of Canadian church in Cuba unclear, says Hiltz

A year after the Episcopal Church of Cuba voted unanimously to return to The Episcopal Church (TEC) following the normalization of relations between Cuba and the United States, it is still unclear how this will affect the relationship between the Cuban and Canadian Anglican churches, said Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada.

Col. the Ven. Nigel Shaw has served as a military chaplain since his ordination to the priesthood in 1985. Photo: Anglican Military Ordinariate

First bishop of the Anglican Military Ordinariate elected

In the first election of its kind, Col. the Ven. Nigel Shaw, director of chaplaincy operations for the Canadian Armed Forces, Navy and Air Force, was chosen as the new bishop-elect of the Anglican Military Ordinariate March 5 via an electronic electoral synod.

Bishop Logan McMenamie trains for the sacred journey with the help of his dog, Moraig, and project manager Wayne Stewart. Photo: Diocese of British Columbia

B.C. bishop to ‘re-enter the land’ on 465-km walk

On Saturday, March 6, Bishop Logan McMenamie of the diocese of British Columbia will take the first steps on a 465-kilometer walk to symbolically “re-enter the land” on behalf of the Anglican church on Vancouver Island.

At the Old City of Jerusalem, pilgrims walk by as a man takes a breather. Photo: Anglican Video

Jerusalem Sunday to hit social media

When Anglicans across Canada celebrate the third annual Jerusalem Sunday May 8, they will be able to share their experiences on social media via an official Jerusalem Sunday Facebook page and a new Twitter hashtag, #JerusalemSunday, which are in the works, says Andrea Mann, director of global relations for the Anglican Church of Canada.

The family reunited: (L-R) Mustafa, Ismail, Nasiimo, Nima, Muna, Huda, Kinda, Ayan, Yassin, Fathi and Fahmi pose for a photograph at James A. Richardson airport. Photo: Rupert's Land News

Rupert’s Land diocese sponsors Somali orphans

On October 19, 2014, Fathi Ismail, 16, approached the squat grey building surrounded by windswept prairie where the Interstate 29 from Grand Forks, N.D., turns into the Lord Selkirk Highway to Winnipeg.

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