André Forget



Jemirozi Mkali, a single mother of three, has been able to achieve a measure of personal independence after receiving a cow through a PWRDF program. Photo: André Forget 

Gender equality key to development

For the past five years, the work of Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF), the Anglican Church of Canada’s relief and development agency, has focused on the health of mothers and newborns in southern Tanzania’s diocese of Masasi.

Imam Omari Bakari Mngwawaya (left) and Bishop James Almasi say relations between Muslims and Christians in southern Tanzania are positive. Photo: André Forget

Muslim-Christian relations in Mkumba: Co-operative, but guarded

The diocese of Masasi’s Bishop James Almasi stands beneath the spreading branches of a large tree at the centre of the village, and pauses as the people seated before him acknowledge his greeting with the traditional response: “Alaikum Salaam” (And to you, peace).

When Harima Mkitage’s family received a cow four years ago, her parents used some of the money the cow brought in to pay her school fees. Now, she wants to become a livestock specialist. Photo: André Forget

Changing lives, one cow at a time

Seventeen-year-old Harima Mkitage runs her hand gently down the back of Liviki, a doe-eyed Friesian cow chewing indolently on the fresh grass while a calf pulls at its teat.

Heather Steeves and Karen Turner during their wedding at Toronto's Church of the Redeemer. Photo: Amy Brown 

For Anglican same-sex couple, a long-awaited wedding in church

On the night of July 11, 2016, Karen Turner and Heather Steeves were sitting in the bar of the hotel where the Anglican Church of Canada’s General Synod was meeting; they were commiserating with other members of Equally Anglican, an Anglican LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender, Queer/Questioning) group.

Igloo-shaped St. Jude’s Cathedral was destroyed by arson in 2005 and rebuilt in 2012. Photo: Cwk36/Wikimedia Commons

St. Jude’s Cathedral in Iqaluit pays off its debt

Twelve years after St. Jude’s Cathedral—the iconic house of worship in Iqaluit, Nunavut—was destroyed by arson, the diocese of the Arctic announced it has finally paid off the debt accrued in rebuilding it.

Many houses in Fort McMurray damaged by the May 2016 fire are still in need of repair, due to issues with insurance claims. Photo: PWRDF

PWRDF offers aid to Fort McMurray’s recovering residents

Almost a year after a wildfire devastated Fort McMurray, Alta., the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) says Canadian Anglicans have donated more then $200,000 toward relief, as residents struggle to put their lives back together.

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