André Forget



Dean Peter Wall, of the diocese of Niagara, says plans are well underway for General Synod 2016. Photo: Anglican Journal

Preparations underway for General Synod 2016

General Synod 2016 might seem far away, but preparations for the meeting of the Anglican Church of Canada’s governing body are well underway, according to Dean Peter Wall, chair of the planning committee.

The National Research Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NRCTR) will operate out of the University of Manitoba, in Winnipeg. Photo: NRCTR

Residential schools archive set to open Nov. 4

When Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) held its final event in Ottawa in June 2015, the phrase “this is just the beginning” was on everyone’s lips.

Catholic theologian William T. Cavanaugh speaks to Bishop Stephen Andrews and the Rev. Laurette Glasgow at the synod of the ecclesiastical province of Ontario. Photo: André Forget

The public square and the kingdom of God

When the synod of the ecclesiastical province of Ontario met in Toronto from October 13-16, its theme was “Reimagining the Church in the Public Square.”

Syrian children from Kobane wait in a refugee camp in Suruc, Turkey, after fleeing Islamic State fighters. Photo: Procyk Radek/

Anglicans and Catholics partner to help refugees

Across Canada, in small towns and major cities, there are people slowly working on projects about which they care deeply, but which even their friends and relatives and neighbours may know little about, or have little interest in.

Anglicans, who are you voting for?

On October 19, after one of the most hotly contested election campaigns in recent decades, Canadians will head to the polls to decide who they want to represent them in Ottawa for the next four years.

Syrian refugees wait to cross into Macedonia at the Greek-Macedonian border on September 24. Photo: Ververidis Vasilis/Shutterstock

Has Canada become less open to refugees?

When the death of three-year-old Alan Kurdi brought public attention into sharp focus on the global refugee crisis, support welled up for those who have been driven from their homes by violent conflict in the Middle East.

Former Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo looks at a community water tank during a 2014 visit to Pikangikum. Photo: Bob White

Bishops encourage Anglicans to push government action on Pikangikum

In an open letter, Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, National Bishop Susan Johnson of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and National Indigenous Anglican Bishop Mark MacDonald have urged Anglicans and Lutherans to follow the lead of their youth in “lifting up” the struggling Ojibwe community of Pikangikum in northern Ontario by writing to their political representatives in Ottawa.

Archbishop Percy Coffin, of the ecclesiastical province of Canada, asks Council of General Synod about the commission on the marriage canon's conscience clause. Photo: André Forget

CoGS drafts resolution to change the marriage canon

The special session of Council of General Synod (CoGS) has drafted the resolution to change the marriage canon to allow for the marriage of same-sex couples, which will be brought to a vote before General Synod in 2016.

Lt. Col. the Rev. Marc Torchinsky from the Anglican Military Ordinariate of Canada, raises a question after the marriage canon commission presented its report. Photo: André Forget

CoGS members react to marriage commission report

When the Council of General Synod’s (CoGS) received the Commission on the Marriage Canon’s final report, ‘This Holy Estate, presented to the in Toronto on September 22, delegates were quick to express questions and concerns over how the information in the 65-page report would be disseminated.

The "four-way" dialogue includes (L to R, from back) Archbishop Fred Hiltz, US Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, ELCA Bishop Elizabeth Seaton and ELCIC Bishop Susan Johnson. File photo: Bruce Myers

Anglican, Lutheran leaders to meet in Washington

On September 24 and 25, the head bishops of the Anglican and Evangelical Lutheran churches in North America will meet in Washington, D.C. to talk about how to more fully live out the implications of their full communion relationships.

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby hopes the meeting will be an opportunity for a "review of the structures of the Anglican Communion." Photo: Chris Cox/Lambeth Palace

Welby calls for primates’ meeting in 2016

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has invited the 37 primates (senior archbishops) of the Anglican Communion to a face-to-face meeting in Canterbury in January 2016.

Diocese of Niagara staff, Canon Christyn Perkons, the Rev. Bill Mous, Joanna Beck, Dean Peter Wall and Canon Terry DeForest chat outside Christ's Church Cathedral in Hamilton. Photo: André Forget

Diocese of Niagara cautiously optimistic about future

The past decade has not been an easy one for the diocese of Niagara. Beset by financial woes, theological divisions over the place of gays and lesbians in the church and a series of lawsuits from parishes that left the diocese to join the breakaway Anglican Network in Canada, diocesan leadership has faced challenging times.

Syrian refugees arrive on a dinghy after crossing from Turkey to the Greek Island of Lesbos. Photo: Dimitris Michalakis/Reuters

PWRDF donates $20,000 to help refugees in the Balkans

On September 11, the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF), the Anglican Church of Canada’s relief and development arm, announced that it had donated $20,000 to Action by Churches Together (ACT) Alliance to help provide aid to Syrian refugees in Hungary, Greece and Serbia.

The diocese of Qu'Appelle sponsored a second Iraqi refugee family before the refugee crisis hit Europe this summer. Saeed (centre), his son Ahmjed, daughter-in-law Rawan and grandchildren Sareta and Saemn are currently living in Turkey. Photo: Saskatchewan Anglican

Churches note renewed interest in refugee sponsorship

The image of the body of three-year-old Alan Kurdi, a Syrian refugee, washed up on a Turkish shore, has galvanized outpourings of grief around the world and led many to ask why more isn’t being done to help vulnerable refugees.

Journal welcomes new staff writer

Tali Folkins, a reporter with extensive experience in print journalism, joined the Anglican Journal as a staff writer on September 9.

Ethan Aitkens, watched by Carter Patton, plants a seed while(L-R) Thelma Feltmate, Pauline Boudreau (bending) Robin Aitkens, DarleneChenell, Jonathan Patton and Alexis Burris prepare the furrows. Photo: JeffreyMetcalfe

Island garden grows food and fellowship

Earlier this summer, on a tiny island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Anglicans from All Saints Memorial Church gathered on a patch of land beside the rector’s cabin and started planting a garden.

The Rev. Barbara Shoomski believes it is important to focus on the positive work being done in Indigenous urban ministry. Photo: André Forget

Urban ministry workshop focuses on positives

Say the words “Indigenous ministry,” and the first image that comes to mind might be of a priest flying into a remote community in a bush plane, or advocating for clean water on reserves.

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