André Forget



Archbishop Fred Hiltz will visit Lambeth Palace December 9 for his annual meeting with Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby. Photo: André Forget

Hiltz hopes to discuss Primates’ Meeting with Welby

Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, is scheduled to have his annual meeting with Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby on December 9 and said he’s hoping to get an update about the upcoming Primates’ Meeting.

Belem is one of Brazil's largest cities and the neighbourhood in which the robbery took place, Terra Firme, is one of its poorest and most disadvantaged. Photo: Dmitry Kaminksy

Primates robbed in Brazil

Members of a Canadian and Brazilian delegation that visited Belém, Brazil, were robbed at gunpoint November 23.

Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, and Archbishop Francisco de Assis da Silva, primate of the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil. Photo: André Forget

Canadian, Brazilian churches anticipate ‘global partner relationship’

Upon returning from an end-of-November trip to the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil, Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, said that he hopes the two churches are on their way to a “formal, global partner relationship” within the Anglican Communion.

The Rev. David Norton is alleged to have abused three boys during his time as priest at St. Andrew's Anglican Church at Chippewas of the Thames First Nation. Photo: Diocese of Huron

Retired Anglican priest charged with sexual assault

A retired Anglican priest was charged on November 20 with sexually assaulting three boys during his time as rector of St. Andrew’s Anglican Church at Chippewa-On-The-Thames First Nation nearly 40 years ago.

The Rev. Ephraim Radner, Archdeacon Alan T. Perry and Professor Michelle Rebidoux weigh in on the Commission on the Marriage Canon's report. Photos: Contributed

Marriage canon report gets mixed reviews from theologians

A church commission’s report providing the biblical and theological argument for the adoption of same-sex marriage does little to bridge the ideological gap between conservatives and liberals in the Anglican Church of Canada, according to theologians interviewed by the Anglican Journal.

The Franziskus Chapel, on the slopes of Mount Tod, serves Christians who come from all over the world to ski in British Columbia's Central Interior. Photo: Dwight Oatway

Church on the slopes

It doesn’t have a regular working congregation, it doesn’t have a priest and it doesn’t even belong to a specific denomination.

Bishop Barbara Andrews leads the recession following a eucharist service at Valemount Anglican United Church during the spring 2015 assembly of the Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior. Photo: André Forget

APCI’s new identity a matter of reconciliation

The Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior (APCI) has been officially recognized as a territory with the status of a diocese within the Anglican Church of Canada, but its bishop, Barbara Andrews, said this was more about legally acknowledging APCI’s position than it was about changing how it operates day to day.

Canon Robert Kereopa thinks it is "necessary" for Indigenous Anglicans to achieve self-determination in Canada. Photo: André Forget

We’re a united church of difference’

Last summer, Canon Robert Kereopa was invited to give a keynote at the 8th National Anglican Sacred Circle in Port Elgin, Ont., where he spoke

Cole Guenter, a Lutheran from Saskatchewan, the Rev. Norm Wesley from the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples, and Sr. Elizabeth Rolfe-Thomas, chaplain to CoGS, discuss Anglican-Lutheran relations. Photo: André Forget

A time for frankness, friendship

Anglicans and Lutherans have developed very close ties since entering into full communion in 2001, but keeping those ties strong requires members of both churches to engage both prayerfully and candidly with each other, their leaders say.

Marion Jenkins (province of Rupert's Land) and Bishop Larry Robertson (province of British Columbia and Yukon) listen to discussions around the marriage canon. Photo: André Forget

Keeping the peace in 2016

Council of General Synod (CoGS) has stressed that delegates to the 2016 General Synod need space, time, and appropriate preparation in order to keep discussions around same-sex marriage from becoming antagonistic.

Chancellor Canon (lay) David Jones explains why APCI has chosen the term "territory" rather than "diocese." Photo: André Forget

CoGS votes to recognize APCI as a territory

The Council of General Synod (CoGS) voted today to recognize the Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior (APCI) as a territory in the ecclesiastical province of British Columbia and Yukon with “the status of a diocese.”

"While Syrian refugees have risen in the international view, there are refugees worldwide," PWRDF director Adele Finney and Canadian Lutheran World Relief director Robert Granke said in a report to CoGS. Photo: André Forget

Anglicans, Lutherans put spotlight on refugees

The directors of The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) and of Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) have offered hopeful words about the work their relief and development organizations are doing to help refugees, and a dire prognosis for the refugee crisis as a whole.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, sworn in as Canada's prime minister Nov. 4, has promised a "renewed nation-to-nation relationship with Indigenous peoples that respects rights and honours treaties." He is seen here embracing Evelyn Commanda Dewache, an Algonquin elder and former residential school student during the closing ceremony of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Ottawa June 3. Photo: Art Babych

Glasgow sees ‘synergy’ between priorities of church and Trudeau

On the same day that Justin Trudeau was sworn in as Canada’s 23rd prime minister November 4, he received a letter from Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, and National Bishop Susan Johnson of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) congratulating him for his victory and welcoming his “approach to governance.”

Bishop-elect Canon William Cliff has served as rector of the Collegiate Chapel of St. John the Evangelist at Huron University College since 2002. Photo: Katie Nightingale-Taylor

Brandon chooses Huron College rector as new bishop

On Saturday, October 31, the synod of the diocese of Brandon elected Canon William Cliff, rector of the Collegiate Chapel of St. John the Evangelist at Huron University College in the diocese of Huron, as its seventh diocesan bishop.

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