February 2025 Issue

A display at the Bank of Canada Museum advertises an exhibit on Viola Desmond, the civil rights activist featured on the $10 bill. Photo: Howard Sandler/Shutterstock

Black History Month celebrates heritage, gifts

‘Do we want a countryside full of ruins?’

Kingston church seeks $2.5 million to save tower; parishioner says governments should be doing more to protect heritage churches For ...
Change is inevitable, Creation is in harmony with change, yet why do we struggle so? Is it because we cannot control change? Lord Almighty, humble us to change and accept change. Photo: Pam Walker

Praying for the humility to change, and accept change

February brings to mind the wind-driven ice crystals as they flow across the hard-packed snow. There is a special sound that is made when it ...
“It is encouraging that the number on parish rolls is staying stable, so the people are out there. The question is: how do we turn the occasional attendance and the membership into regular attendance?” says Canon Neil Elliot, the Anglican Church of Canada's statistics officer. Photo: Sean Frankling

Early data show Easter, Christmas up 41, 50 per cent in 2023; Sunday attendance down nine per cent

According to data available so far, attendance at Anglican Church of Canada Easter and Christmas services rose by 41 and 50 per cent respectively in ...
Church of Redeemer Common Table outreach carts are taken out near the corner of Bloor Street West and Avenue Road on church property by volunteers Bill Ryan, Peter Burgess and David Burt to bring food to members of the community in Toronto on Thursday morning, April 20, 2023. Photo: Michael Hudson

Food Banks face higher food costs, surge in demand

The food bank at St. Mark’s Anglican Church in Halifax, N.S. is facing a “perfect storm” this year, says the Rev. Tammy Hodge Orovec, the ...

Conviction overturned for Toronto priest, Journal contributor in public indecency case following appeal

The Ontario Superior Court has overturned the public indecency conviction of an Anglican priest in Toronto and ordered a new ...

P.E.I. cathedral rector serves 3 days in prison after impaired driving conviction

Canon David Garrett, dean of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Charlottetown has served a three-day prison sentence and paid a $1,500 fine plus a $450 victim ...

Paul Feheley receives Lambeth Award for services to Anglican Communion

Archdeacon Paul Feheley, a church communicator and principal secretary to three primates of the Anglican Church of Canada, has received ...

‘Do we want a countryside full of ruins?’

Tower restoration project at Kingston church has parishioner calling on governments to protect heritage churches For 180 years, St. Mark’s ...

McNaughton resigns as metropolitan of B.C. and Yukon

Archbishop Lynne McNaughton has submitted her resignation as archbishop and metropolitan of the ecclesiastical province of B.C. and Yukon, citing ...
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