Appointments and calendar

Published March 1, 2000


The Central Council is pleased to announce that Caryn Douglas has been appointed as the Principal of the Centre for Christian Studies. Ms Douglas graduated from the Centre in 1989, and has been on the staff since 1998 and the Interim Principal since July of 1999.


Rev. Patricia A. Smith, author of Generational Healing: A Manual for Healing, will be a presenter at the School of Pastoral Care, at the Loyola Conference Centre, St. Ignatius College, Guelph, Ont., from May 22 to 26. Registration is open to lay persons interested in the ministry of healing, medical professionals, clergy and church workers and their spouses. For information, contact Keith Bird, 5 Tangreen Court #206, Toronto, ON M2M 3Z1 Phone (416) 907-2536, (416) 223-0635, E-mail [email protected], [email protected], or visit and select School of Pastoral Care.

The well-known American evangelist Lee A. Buck is to visit some Vancouver Island and Lower Mainland Anglican churches in May, 2000. He will be speaking on the authority and power of Scripture and on Anglican renewal. Watch for more information.

St. John’s School is holding a reunion weekend, June 23 to June 25 in Wabasca, Alta. It includes an elders’ reception and an outdoor liturgy with prayer circle. Former teachers, students and workers are specially invited. E-mail: [email protected] or the Diocese of Athabasca, P.O. Box 238, Wabasca, Alta. T0G 2K0.

The Sisterhood of St. John the Divine, in Toronto, again offers the Vocational Discernment Program for women. This is a free program, run from July 2 – 20, for any woman seeking direction from God in her life and/or ministry. For information, contact Discernment Program Secretary, St. John’s Convent, 1 Botham Road, Toronto ON M2N 2J5. Phone (416) 226-2201 (ext 301), Fax (416) 222-4442, or e-mail [email protected].

150 Years! St. James the Assiniboine, in Winnipeg will celebrate 150 years of service in 2001. Former parishioners can contact the church for details at St. James Anglican Church, Box 42025, 1881 Portage Ave, Winnipeg MB, R3J 3X7.

The A-Team is a group of Canadian seniors who “meet” via e-mail and act as a support group of individuals as well as a chat group. We discuss current affairs and from time to time, some of us get together and address issues that concern us. There are no membership requirements other than age (say 55 plus.) We invite anyone with an interest to drop in. Contact Philip Gross at [email protected]


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