
Published February 1, 2000


Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario

Diocese of Algoma

Mrs. Judie Cooper has been appointed lay pastor of the parish of Muskoka Lakes, effective Nov. 8, 1999.

Rev. John Jordan retires as incumbent of the parish of West Thunder Bay, effective Feb. 14.

Ecclesiastical Province of British Columbia

Ven. Rodney Andrews, formerly executive archdeacon of the Diocese of Algoma, has been appointed rector of St. Anselm’s Church, Vancouver, and Anglican Chaplain to the University of British Columbia, effective March 1.

Canadian Armed Forces

On Nov. 21, 1999 the Bishop Ordinary to the Canadian Forces, Rt. Rev. A.S. Hutchison, collated a new archdeacon, Capt. (Navy), Ven. T. Maindonald, and installed two new canons, Major the Rev. Canon K. McLean and Major the Rev. Canon G. Thorne, to the Ordinariate.


The Sisterhood of St. John the Divine, in Toronto, offers the Vocational Discernment Program for women from July 2 – 30, 2000. This is a free program intended for any woman who is seeking direction from God in her life and/or ministry. For information, contact Discernment Program Secretary, St. John’s Convent, 1 Botham Road, Toronto, ON M2N 2J5. Ph (416) 226-2201 (ext 301), Fax (416) 222-4442, or e-mail convent@ssjd,ca.

To mark Black History Month, the fifth Annual Eucharistic Celebration will be held Sunday Feb. 27, 2000 (starting at 4:30 p.m.) at St. Paul’s Church, in Toronto. This year’s theme is Restoration! Affirmation! Hope! Rev. Cecil Fletcher is guest preacher, with choirs, dancers and drummers. It’s a celebration for everyone. Contact Rev. Peter Fenty (905) 793-8020 (e-mail [email protected] ), or Rev. Aldith Baker (416) 516-4863.


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