Old ‘Church House’ torn down

Published April 1, 2006

The building at 600 Jarvis St. in Toronto that once held the national office of the Canadian Anglican church was torn down in mid-February. [photo by MARITES N. SISON]

The building that used to house the Anglican Church of Canada’s national office in Toronto was demolished in mid-February to make way for a condominium development.

The address, 600 Jarvis St., for decades was a shorthand way to refer to the national church. In June, 2004, the national staff of about 80 people moved one block away to new quarters at 80 Hayden St.

The Anglican Church of Canada had maintained offices at the Jarvis Street site since 1922, when the Missionary Society of the Church in Canada purchased an 1880s-vintage, three-storey brick house at 604 Jarvis for $56,250.

In 1945, another 19th-century house, at 596 Jarvis, was purchased and the two were merged, renovated and expanded over the years to become the three-storey building at number 600 called Church House. The old location is scheduled to become the site of a 21-storey condominium building erected by developer Philmor Group Ltd.


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