Ottawa churches help refugees

Published February 1, 2003

Chol Paul (far right), with wife, Everline, and brothers Madit and Bol. Chol’s story of fleeing Sudan has been adapted in England as a play.

Three churches in the diocese of Ottawa – Ascension, Trinity and All Saints (Sandy Hill) – are raising funds and using volunteers to help settle a young refugee family from the Sudan. Chol Paul, 22, his wife Everline, 20, and his brothers Madit, 20, and Bol, 18, arrived in November and are now living in a two-bedroom apartment and adjusting to life and work in Canada. Chol Paul fled the civil war in Sudan at the age of nine and he and his family spent years in refugee camps. His story appears in a book called One Day We Had to Run (Evans Brothers Ltd., London, 1994) and has been adapted in England as a play for children called Chol’s Story.


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