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Keith Joyce appointed dean of Fredericton’s Christ Church Cathedral

By Anglican Journal
Published May 1, 1999

The Sunday after Easter is traditionally known as “low Sunday,” but it was a day filled with news for the people of Christ Church Cathedral in Fredericton, N. B.

The appointment of Rev. Keith Joyce as the new Dean of the Cathedral byBishop George Lemmon of Fredericton, was announced at Sunday services on April 11. The position of Dean has been vacant since the previous dean, William Hockin, was elected coadjutor bishop on March 14 of last year.

Joyce is currently rector of Hampton in the Diocese of Fredericton.

The 47-year-old priest earned a bachelor’s degree in music from the University of Toronto and a Master of Divinity degree from Trinity College in Toronto before being ordained in 1982 by Most Archbishop Lewis Garns-worthy. He served in parishes in the Diocese of Toronto and the Diocese of Montreal before coming to the Diocese of Fredericton in October of 1996.

“We are pleased about Mr. Joyce’s appointment for a number of reasons,” said Bishop Hockin in an interview. “He brings a variety of experience to the position. I am impressed with his leadership ability and his skills in preaching.”

The native of Sussex, England, who is currently chair of the board of program and the clergy conference committee for the diocese, is married with three children. His appointment as dean effective Aug. 1.

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