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The ELCIC at a Glance

A statue of Dr. Martin Luther, who developed the young reformed church. Photo: Danny Busch
A statue of Dr. Martin Luther, who developed the young reformed church. Photo: Danny Busch
By Diana Swift
Published June 28, 2013

The name Evangelical-“based on the good news of the Gospel”-is applied to the young reformed church developed by Martin Luther in the early Reformation.

The Rev. Rasmus Jensen, the first Lutheran pastor inCanada, arrives with a Danish expedition and conducts a service on theshores of Hudson Bay.

With the arrival of German immigrants in Halifax, Lutherans become an established presence in Canada.

Pamela McGee becomes the first woman to be ordained in the Canadian Lutheran church.

Following the example of their U.S. counterparts, Lutherans andAnglicans in Canada begin discussions on an interim sharing of theeucharist.

ELCIC is founded through a merger of theEvangelical Lutheran Church of Canada (ELCC) and the Canadian portion ofthe Lutheran Church in America (LCA)

With thesigning of the Waterloo Declaration, the ELCIC and the Anglican Churchof Canada (ACC) enter into full communion and common mission. Theircounterparts in the U.S. cemented a similar partnership that same year.

The ELCIC and the ACC hold some common sessions in Winnipeg duringtheir respective national meetings, National Convention and GeneralSynod.

The Evangelical Lutheran and Episcopal churches of the U.S. and the ELCIC and ACC celebrate 10 years of full communion in quadrilateral cross-border ceremonies in Buffalo, N.Y., and Fort Erie, Ont.

In an ecumenical first, the Winnipeg-based ELCIC and the ACC spend about half of scheduled time at their respective national meetings in Ottawa in joint sessions.



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  • Diana Swift

    Diana Swift is an award-winning writer and editor with 30 years’ experience in newspaper and magazine editing and production. In January 2011, she joined the Anglican Journal as a contributing editor.