Theopaschites refers to …
1. People who believe that God the Father suffered along with the incarnate Christ the Son;
2. An early Greek Christian theologian for whom the 6th-century Trinitarian heresy of theopaschitism was named;
3. Paeans to God sung at Easter in Eastern Orthodox churches.
Incardination refers to …
1. The investiture of a cardinal into the Roman Catholic cardinalate;
2. The permanent enlistment of a Roman Catholic clergy member under the jurisdiction of a new ordinary in a different diocese;
3. The enactment of a pivotal church principle into canon law.
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The term theopaschites, meaning “those who hold that God suffered,” was applied to people in the 5th and 6th centuries who believed that by virtue of their unity, God suffered along with the incarnate Christ.
Since early church times, clerics were bound for life to the dioceses in which they were ordained. A transfer to another diocese was permitted only for just cause. Incardination of a Roman Catholic cleric who moves into another diocese occurs after five years if all parties agree.
Diana Swift
Diana Swift is an award-winning writer and editor with 30 years’ experience in newspaper and magazine editing and production. In January 2011, she joined the Anglican Journal as a contributing editor.