National News ‘It feels like it could hit you any minute from a different angle’: Diocese of Montreal’s Lee-Ann Matthews on living with—and beating—COVID-19 Tali Folkins April 24, 2020
National News ‘Our faith has been growing in this very difficult time’ Matthew Puddister April 22, 2020
National News Toronto, Central Newfoundland dioceses declare jubilee for parishes Joelle Kidd April 15, 2020
National News Canadian Anglicans respond as pandemic disrupts family life Tali Folkins April 15, 2020
National News World impacts of COVID-19 take centre stage for Global Relations Matthew Puddister April 6, 2020
Opinion At Easter’s threshold: Standing between this world and the world to come Michael Thompson April 5, 2020
National News N.L. ‘Coffee Table’ discipleship moves online during pandemic Matthew Townsend April 4, 2020
Opinion COVID-19’s impossible choices: What is the church’s ministry to the dying? Various April 2, 2020
National News Eastern dioceses roll out COVID-19 telephone care lines Matthew Puddister April 1, 2020
International News ‘Nothing can stop us all being in prayer’: Thy Kingdom Come 2020 resources include prayers for people practicing social distancing Tali Folkins March 27, 2020