A new journal on religion and politics promises informed context around issues that often clash. Photo: Shutterstock
May 1st marked the launch of a new online journal focusing on the once-banned-from-civil-conversation duo of religion and politics-two of the most polarizing forces in our increasingly diverse society.
Edited by Marie Griffith, Religion & Politics is an initiative of the John C. Danforth Center on Religion & Politics at Washington University in St. Louis. Griffith is the director.
The mission of the new journal, whose tagline is “Fit for Polite Company,” is to “provide informed context around the religious and political issues that clash, converge and shape everyday public life.”
The inaugural issue includes an article by Toronto School of Theology lecturer Dr. Molly Worthen on why U.S. evangelicals love British Christian writers such as John Stott, C.S. Lewis and JRR. Tolkien. Another report examines whether President Obama has a problem with Jewish voters and an essay by a military mortuary worker in the Iraq on what remains after war.
The journal will examine politics and religion across a broad range of topics, including bioethics, gender and sexuality and law and order.