LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITY Jane Scanlon, stewardship officer for the diocese of Ottawa.
The diocesan synod of Ottawa has approved a proposal that will “essentially synchronize” its own financial development appeal with the planned national fundraising initiative of the Anglican Church of Canada.
The partnership between the Anglican diocese of Ottawa and General Synod’s department of philanthropy will raise money to benefit the ministries and programs of local parishes as well as of the national church.
A total of 17 out of 30 dioceses are now partners “or in conversation to become partners” in a bequest identification initiative that invites Anglicans across the country to identify Anglican beneficiaries already in their wills, said Holland Hendrix, director of philanthropy for General Synod.
In the partnership, the department of philanthropy provides direction and resources to the diocese; in return, the diocese identifies people interested in gifting the church. Then the funding is split 40/60 between General Synod and the diocese.
“…It makes sense to partner and to pool our resources…,” said Jane Scanlon, stewardship officer of the diocese of Ottawa. “I think this is a real opportunity for us to show some leadership and to step up to the plate….Our case will improve the national church’s case.”
Scanlon said her diocese hopes to raise money to fund priorities identified in its strategic plan, including
- leadership development for clergy and lay people;
- team leadership training,
- congregational development around youth ministries;
- expansion of existing ministries; and
- greater support for advocacy and education work at all levels.
Scanlon described the partnership as “an opportunity for the Anglican Church to really tell its story, to reach out to people and to be really visionary in terms of what it wants to accomplish in its mission and ministry across the country.”
The national fundraising initiative will likely be announced at the meeting of General Synod, the church’s governing body, scheduled June 3 to 11, in Halifax. It will be launched when 30-40 per cent of the fundraising goal-still to be determined-has been raised.
Thanks to the careful groundwork by the diocese and Bishop John Chapman, the partnership proposal received “overwhelming support…,” said Hendrix. “It really was a demonstration of how careful planning that is inclusive…can lead to great results. They’re now poised to launch a very successful major resource development initiative.”