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‘May you take each step … as if in freshly fallen snow’

Photo: Microgen
By Archbishop Chris Harper
Published November 28, 2024

FEATHER (Prayer):

Almighty One, Creator, we the children of your creation pause and slow down in the snowy season, wherein even the light of day awakens to rise late and lies down early; we pause, as does all creation, to rest, renew and reflect on your beauty around us and to give thanks for the blessings seen and unseen. In this month of Pawacakinisisipisim (Plains Cree for “Frost Exploding Moon”) we slow down enough to see our footsteps in the snow and reflect on our journey of life and faith. Walk with us in this time, open our hearts and minds to see your beauty in creation, and slow us to humble us, that in slowing down we might hear your voice in the falling snow, and see your grace and mercy in the greatest gift given to all, in your Son Jesus Christ, who is our Light, Hope, Peace, Joy and Love.

Accept our prayers and all we offer you in this season; this we pray. Amen.

SAGE (Offering):

Hope and peace walk hand in hand in the journey of life, joy and love given in Christ, our strength and courage to take each step. The winter season before us is the time to pause and acknowledge that the Almighty is present. In a time when the earth and community are filled with the rush and roar of distraction and worry of tomorrow, the season of change stills our hearts, and takes us a step out of the storm. We then, in the clearing, see the important things. When work and duty take precedence over life and love, we lose what it means to be people of God’s love and light. The winter season is about slowing down and seeing the true gifts of the Almighty before us. May blessings, peace and love abound for you and yours in this month; may you take each step in life and faith as if in freshly fallen snow. Take the time to see your footsteps and look for the blessings before you as the Lord walks with you. Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.

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  • Archbishop Chris Harper

    Archbishop Chris Harper is national Indigenous archbishop of the Anglican Church of Canada.