Kairos, a Canadian ecumenical social justice organization, says it is dealing with major financial challenges by cutting five staff positions and restructuring its program areas.
Executive director Mary Corkery said that, according to internal projections, Kairos was headed for a deficit of $500,000 by 2013 “so we made changes that would give us a balanced budget. We may not balance it in 2009 but those deficits will be gone,” she said.
Kairos is a partnership of 11 churches and church-related organizations including the Anglican Church of Canada.
Ms. Corkery said the churches were asked to help prioritize and their representatives on the Kairos board helped shape the restructuring plan. They wanted a program that would be sustainable for the long term and didn’t want to simply take away money and staffing while trying to maintain the same programs, she said.
“We are grieving the loss of valued colleagues and important areas of work,” Ms. Corkery said.