Going Deep in Life and Leadership

Published September 1, 1998

I WAS SO IMPRESSED with this book that I arranged to meet the author. Ian Percy and his message are one. His conversational style and humour draw the reader into the exciting account of his 25 years of corporate consulting and inspiration with major organizations and corporations such as IBM, Royal Bank, Ford, Transamerica and Northern Telecom.

Going Deep in Life and Leadership

by Ian Percy Macmillan

$29.95 (cloth)

ISBN 0-7715-7552-1

Mr. Percy says that five or 10 years ago the question of spirituality in the workplace would not be raised as a serious point of discussion in most boardrooms. It is different now: in his experience the corporate resistance to the spiritual is weakening all over the business world.

He sees an almost universal corporate yearning which is moving spirituality to the top of the agenda. The corporate obsession with vision, mission and values reveals a yearning for ultimate spiritual purpose in the organization.

Mr. Percy’s mission is to set people free to express their own inner yearnings and provide a language to express the spiritual, humanizing side of their nature. There is another way to live, a way to solve the modern problem of priorities in work and family life. Anger and frustration with the way things are can lead us to discover the spiritual significance of life and work. We can make sense of life.

You should not find this book in the religion or New Age or psychology section – it belongs in the business section.

Ian Percy expresses spiritual truths, not as dogmatic assertions, but as practical insights which have power to work wonders and transform the workplace into an experience of joy, unity, and creativity.

Perhaps it will be in the arena of the workplace, where the world is being shaped, that we will begin to discover the practical relevance and unifying power of our faith.


  • Graham Tucker

    Dr. Graham Tucker is a former engineer and now chaplain director of the King-Bay Chaplaincy, a ministry to the Toronto business community. He is author of the books, The Faith-Work Connection and Restoring the Vision.

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