‘Don’t play politics with marriage’

The U.K.'s Coalition for Marriage says it refuses to support same-sex marriage out of political correctness. Photo: Shutterstock
Published September 19, 2012

According to the London-based Coalition for Marriage (C4M), more than 600,000 people in the U.K. have now signed its petition opposing the redefinition of traditional marriage to include same-sex spouses.

Using the slogan “Don’t play politics with marriage,” C4M is a broadly based umbrella group of individuals and organizations that support one-man/one-woman marriage. It opposes any plans to redefine the traditional union on the grounds that such a redefinition would undermine marriage’s time-honoured benefits to children and society.

“The coalition’s petition demonstrates that there is broad public opposition to redefining marriage,” writes C4M on its website. “The coalition is committed to a reasoned and courteous debate on this issue, and will highlight any intimidation or intolerance shown to supporters of traditional marriage.” They resent being dismissed as bigots because they refuse to support same-sex marriage out of political correctness.

In Scotland, more than 30,000 people recently signed an online petition opposing the Scottish government’s plans to legalize same-sex marriage early next year. The plans were announced in July. According to Scotland for Marriage, the umbrella group that set up the petition, “The Scottish Government has angered the public by ignoring them and pressing on with plans to meddle with marriage.”

It holds up Canada as an example of what dangerous doors redefinition can open. “If marriage is redefined for same-sex marriage, it could be redefined for polygamy next,” said a posting on its website. “Canada introduced same-sex marriage and then that was used in a court case to argue that polygamy should be made legal. Once you start unpicking the definition of marriage, it can unravel further.”

It is calling for a general referendum before any changes are made.



  • Diana Swift

    Diana Swift is an award-winning writer and editor with 30 years’ experience in newspaper and magazine editing and production. In January 2011, she joined the Anglican Journal as a contributing editor.

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