China photo gallery — Nanjing

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Andrea Mann, regional mission co-ordinator for Asia-Pacific and the Middle East, greets Bishop Ting.

(Left to right) Ron Wallace, Presbyterian Church in Canada’s associate secretary for international ministries, Rev. Carol Hancock, the United Church of Canada’s general council minister for regional relations, Ellie Johnson, director of the Anglican Church of Canada’s partnerships department, and Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, take a breather at Nanjing street corner.

Madonna and Child banner for sale at the Amity Crafts Centre run by the Nanjing Union Theological Seminary.

Bishop K.H. Ting, China’s last Anglican bishop, signs a copy of his book, God is Love.

Yunnan Theological Seminary choir perform a musical number for the Canadian delegation.

Statue of Confucius, the great Chinese philosopher.

View of rural China from the bus.

Free massage in the park.

Memorial wall commemorating the Nanjing Massacre. At least 300,000 Chinese were killed by members of the Japanese Imperial Army, which occupied the former capital in 1937.

Woman plays the pipa, a Chinese musical instrument, during a dinner hosted for the delegation.

A blend of old and new architecture in downtown Nanjing.

Newly-printed Bibles being packed at Amity Printing Press. The Bibles are printed in 8 minority languages; English and French versions are also being exported overseas.

Brisk business outside the Confucian temple.

Street vendor selling traditional Chinese scallion cake.

View from the top of the Dr. Sun Yat Sen mausoleum, built on Nanjing’s Purple Mountain in 1926. Dr. Sun Yat Sen is widely known as “the father of the Chinese Revolution” and the founder of modern China.


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