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Canadian partnership strengthens lay training in Cyprus and the Gulf

Archdeacon of Cyprus John Holdsworth and Queen's College Provost Rick Singleton sign the Exploring Faith course Memorandum of Understanding. Photo: Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf
By Anglican Communion News Service
Published September 18, 2017

The Anglican Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf has partnered with a Canadian theological college to accredit its lay training course. The Exploring Faith course is part of the diocese’s commitment to lifelong learning and can lead to qualifications at diploma or degree level. The diocese has been using the course for the past five years. Currently, some 15 students are enrolled on the course and a further nine are expected to sign up from January.

Last week the Archdeacon of Cyprus, John Holdsworth, was in St. John’s, Nfld. to sign a memorandum of understanding which will see the Queen’s College Faculty of Theology accredit and administer the Exploring Faith course.

The Provost of Queen’s College, Rick Singleton, described the agreement as “an exciting day for the college” and said it was “a positive statement about [the college’s] partnership within the Anglican Communion.”

The Bishop of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador, Geoff Peddle, welcomed the link with the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf, describing it as “the most fascinating diocese in the Anglican World.”

The Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf is part of the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East. It has 11 churches in Cyprus and 14 churches in Arabian Gulf nations, including Iraq, Bahrain, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait and Oman.

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