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Bruce Rathbone dies at age 76

By Anglican Journal Staff
Published March 1, 2009

Bruce Rathbone, who served for 20 years as business/circulation manager of the Canadian Churchman, predecessor to the Anglican Journal, and another 20 years as bursar of Wycliffe College in Toronto, died on Jan. 30. He was 76.

Described by his colleagues as “generous” and “people friendly,” Mr. Rathbone was responsible for working out a plan of integrating the Churchman with diocesan papers across Canada, which made advertising revenues grow.

As a bursar for Wycliffe (1978 to 1998), Mr. Rathbone had a great rapport with students. Insight, Wycliffe’s newsletter, wrote an article about Mr. Rathbone upon his retirement, and applauded him for tackling his job with great energy and enthusiasm, and for providing students not just with “timely assistance” but “signs of caring at moments of personal crisis.”

A lifelong member of the Anglican Church of Canada, Mr. Rathbone served as delegate to general, provincial and diocesan synods for the diocese of Toronto.

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