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Bishop of Caledonia to retire

Bishop William Anderson was elected bishop of the diocese of Caledonia in 2001. Photo: Contributed
Bishop William Anderson was elected bishop of the diocese of Caledonia in 2001. Photo: Contributed
By Anglican Journal Staff
Published December 15, 2015

After a decade and a half of service, the bishop of the diocese of Caledonia, William Anderson, will be retiring next fall.

“I wish to advise you that it is currently my intention, barring the unforeseen, to retire in the fall of 2016,” Anderson told the Diocesan Synod at its annual meeting this September. “When I settle on a specific date I will formally write to the Archbishop as well as notifying the diocese.”

Anderson was elected as bishop in Oct. 2001, and consecrated in Feb. 2002. He will be 66 next November.

“As I have worked this decision out in my heart and in my mind over the past several months, I have realized what a privilege it has been to be involved in this ministry,” Anderson told the synod. “My model for my ministry has always been St. Paul who in his own life experienced both the heights and the depths of emotions and spiritual joys.

“My greatest joy has been the clergy and people of this diocese. My greatest regret has been that the growth I hoped for has not happened, though not for lack of effort by so many of our clergy.”

As specified in church law, a date for the synod for electing a new bishop will be set within 30 days of Anderson’s retirement. From his retirement date until the election of a new bishop, the metropolitan of the ecclesiastical province of British Columbia and Yukon will serve as bishop.

– With files from Caledonia Times

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