Wayne Holst


  • Wayne Holst

    Wayne A. Holst was a Lutheran pastor (ELCIC) for twenty-five years; he taught religion and culture at the University of Calgary for a quarter century and, for 15 years, he has coordinated adult spiritual development at St. David’s United Church, Calgary.

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A respectful look at native spirituality

The eclectic and prolific Philip Jenkins asserts that during the past century, a profound shift has occurred in the mainstream acceptance of Native American spirituality.

Tolkien movie a delight

This movie is a delight to see and to see again. The New Zealand landscape is breathtaking and the computer-generated fantasy places and monster hordes

Volume offers insights on relating to God

Phillip Yancy, whose writings have won him awards and wide respect, is a conservative Christian who reads and comments broadly while appealing to an expanding

Mainline churches may be poised for recovery

FRESH WINDS are blowing across the mainline churches of this land. Many recent books from North American publishers show local congregations seriously engaged in an

Spirituality that challenges values

JEAN VANIER and Henri Nouwen, names that fascinate many moderns, are linked to a particular spirituality that challenges personal and social values. Both men identified

Discovering God in everyday experiences

REFERENCES FROM poet Robert Frost first drew this reviewer’s attention to Sabbath Blessings, posted weekly to the Canadian Anglican Internet discussion list by author Molly

Spirit Mourn, Spirit Dance

ALL BUT FOUR of the 56 contributors are female in this collection of poetry, hymns, liturgies, short essays, and playlets. Most are in English, some

Love God, neighbour together

THE CRISIS IN OUR churches today, say the authors, and the challenge that must be overcome if the church is to survive and thrive into

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