Wayne Holst


  • Wayne Holst

    Wayne A. Holst was a Lutheran pastor (ELCIC) for twenty-five years; he taught religion and culture at the University of Calgary for a quarter century and, for 15 years, he has coordinated adult spiritual development at St. David’s United Church, Calgary.

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Spiritual travel

During the past decade, members and friends of our congregation have contributed to evening prayers at St. David’s Cathedral in Wales. What a special experience

St. Peter Ecumenical Church

Celebrating community in Canada’s North

Almost 50 years ago, as a Lutheran synod staff person, I worked with representatives of Anglican, Presbyterian and United churches to create a viable model

Making Bible study special

“Are you an evangelical Christian?” a woman asked me recently. “It depends on what you mean by ‘evangelical,’” I replied. (Being “evangelical” has to do

For all the saints

The Christian festival of All Saints (November 1) seemed to slip past me almost unnoticed this year; but perhaps it’s still not too late to share my thoughts with you about saintly mentors.

The web of life

“Nature is a fine piece of cloth. You pull a thread here and it vibrates throughout the whole fabric.” —Joseph Sittler, Gravity and Grace: Reflections and

Trillium and wild rose

My partner, Marlene, was thrilled to see her first trillium (Ontario’s provincial flower) while we hiked the Peck Lake Trail in Algonquin Provincial Park during late May of this year.

Encountering the sacred at the Mount

Photo: BG Smith/Shutterstock A favourite Lenten discipline is the annual silent retreat that members and friends of my home congregation undertake at Mount St. Francis

Spiritual lessons from a Canadian winter

While out walking one morning in our snowy, cold but beautiful February sunshine, we heard the enthusiastic honking of Canada geese. Soon we saw several

The promise and challenges of South Africa

“…A high birth rate (and) migration can transform the religious economy of a society…By 2050, by far the largest share of the world’s Christians will

Reformation: A personal reflection

A rush of Luther-adulation washed over me as my partner Marlene and I stood—less than a decade ago—before the refurbished doors of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, and again as we visited a tower room at the Wartburg Castle, in the town of Eisenach, about 265 kilometres away.

An amazing witness to gospel values

(In my August column, Honouring our Christian departed and mourners alike, I wrote of conducting a committal service for a friend and teacher, Marjorie Gibson, who

Photo: Syda Productions/Shutterstock

Enlarging our faith communities

I remember meeting my first Anglican theological student friends from Trinity and Wycliffe Colleges, Toronto, during planning sessions for the annual conferences of the Canadian

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