Wayne Holst


  • Wayne Holst

    Wayne A. Holst was a Lutheran pastor (ELCIC) for twenty-five years; he taught religion and culture at the University of Calgary for a quarter century and, for 15 years, he has coordinated adult spiritual development at St. David’s United Church, Calgary.

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Thoughts on fallen church leaders

I have a picture on my wall of one of my heroes of the faith—Jean Vanier. Earlier in my life, he, along with Henri Nouwen,

Why I still love the church

I must admit that it has been very difficult for me to remain loyal to the Christian church these past years.

Living creatively in a hybrid church

I was moved and challenged after reading Canon Neil Elliot’s article in the Anglican Journal, ‘Our response …gives me much hope,’ and would like to

First steps in knowing God

Recently, a member of our congregational book study group raised a timely question with me. Quoting a front-page article in a local paper, he said,

‘Lessons and Carols’ for this Advent

A special gift of the Anglican tradition to the Christian world is the annual festival of Scripture lessons and Christmas carols, both for Advent and

Decolonization starts with me

A learning experience I had recently with a young Indigenous woman has remained with me. It centred on the term “decolonization,” and I want to

Will we support our guardian angels?

It’s not often that I base my monthly column on an article appearing exclusively in the secular press, but here is a recent opinion: piece

The ways we witness

Pentecost and evangelism have been intrinsically connected since the Spirit of God descended upon the first followers of Jesus in Jerusalem. The New Testament’s Book

How Canon Hugh Puxley motivated my life

Several years ago, I wrote an Anglican Journal column entitled “Enlarging Our Faith Communities.” In it I described my experience as a young Lutheran theological

We’re in this together

As I read the articles on the statistical decline of the Anglican Church in Canada, the image of the “Spirit of Haida Gwaii” surfaced dramatically

Quality time with the ‘Prodigal Son’

When our spiritual travelers group recently visited the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia, I had an experience that took me back more than 25

A grateful moment for ecumenical leadership

National Lutheran Bishop Susan Johnson and Anglican Primate Fred Hiltz will complete their ministry together as leaders in partnership of their respective churches this year.

Serving the common good

I’m excited about a new ministry prospect that is becoming available to the citizens of my city. We Christians have an opportunity to work with

Finches and Falcons

A hopeful sign of spring occurs when house finches and prairie falcons appear near our northwest Calgary home, as they did in March. Nature gives

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