A. Paul Feheley



‘Thanks for the memories’

A number of years ago I watched a television tribute to Bob Hope. Many different people who had played a significant role in his life took the microphone and sang back to Bob a verse of his signature tune, “Thanks for the Memories.”

A ministry blessed by people

The date was May 20, 1979, and the place was the Cathedral Church of St. James, Toronto. I knelt before Archbishop Lewis Garnsworthy, who laid his hands upon my head and said, “You are a priest forever…”

Making real the joy of faith

Over the course of my life I have encountered adults for whom joy,wonder and the meaning of life have almost vanished. Often this comesfrom the anxieties that people face with issues ranging from financialinstability and illness…. When these times of feeling lost occur, theyinevitably have a distressing effect on people’s faith.

The church waits in hope

In the foreword to the book entitled Audacious Anglicans, written by Canadians Ralph Moore and the late Gerald Rayner, Rowan Williams, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, wrote: “Whatthe Body of Christ really is only appears as you tell the stories ofhow he has been real in this or that specific life…We need these humannarratives.

Thank you, Michael Peers

In last month’s editorial, Canada deserves better (Dec. 2013, p. 4), Iconcluded by saying, “It would be gratifying in 2014 if we were able tosee political leadership centred on integrity, justice and honesty, atall levels and in all branches of government; leadership that gives us asense of pride. It is what Canadians deserve.”

Canada deserves better

This past year, Canadians have seen a wide variety of political messes: scandals, resignations, illegal actions, name-calling, accusations and immature behaviour at the municipal, provincial and federal levels of government.

‘A time to be born, and a time to die’ (Eccl. 3:2)

“Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee”?John Donne, “Meditation 17.”

With those words in mind, recently I watched a very moving and compelling video whose subject was Dr. Donald Low.

Just say ‘non’

Page six of this issue of the Journal features an inspiring story of hope, tolerance and understanding. Changing the World highlights Ralph Singh, a Sikh leader, educator and pioneer in interfaith work who has written a book called Stories to Light Our Way: Journey to the World of Good.

News: cover story to covering fish

Those working in public relations often refer to the adage, “Today’snews wraps tomorrow’s fish.” Whenever a client, be it a company or anindividual, becomes the leading news story and negative reports affectits image-and profits-its PR firm will note that the public has a veryshort memory span and will comfort its client with the information thatanother front-page story will quickly replace the current one.

Vegas maybe, but Ottawa no!

In 2002 two advertising executives reinvented an old saying that remains popular. With “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,” the city’s tourism industry hit the jackpot. No matter that it wasn’t true: behaviour does have consequences.

Onward, Christian leaders

With three knocks on the large wooden door of Canterbury Cathedral, theservice to inaugurate the ministry of Justin Portal Welby as the 105thArchbishop of Canterbury began.

A church which lives to itself will die by itself’

Above the west door of the Chapel of the Holy Trinity Church, Staunton Harold, in North West Leicestershire is a tablet with this inscription: “In the year 1653 when all things sacred were throughout the nation either demolished or profaned, Sir Robert Shirley, Baronet founded this church; whose singular praise it is to have done the best things in the worst times and hoped them in the most calamitous. The righteous shall be had in everlasting remembrance.”

Needed: a resurgence of the spirit of Halifax

Over the past 138 years, the Anglican Journal has been well served by gifted, dedicated and talented staff andeditors. My hope as I initiate my work as the interim managing editoris to maintain the high standard of excellence that has been a hallmarkof the Journal and to continue to express the full range of opinionswithin the Anglican church that is rightly demanded of an editoriallyindependent publication.

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