Lee Lambert



A young journalist speaks with a veteran after Remembrance Day services last year at the Old City Hall cenotaph in Ottawa. Photo: Canadapanda/Shutterstock

Remembrance Day 2013

When we talk about love, what do we mean? Because love is not an emotion. It’s an action -not a noun, but a verb. Real love-true love-involves sacrifice. Sacrifice.

Photo: Lisa F. Young

The Tent

“For now we see in a mirror, dimly.” -Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, (13:12) Whenever I hear this passage, I am transported back to

I am not a hugger

The most memorable moment during a visit to a 103-year-old Great War veteran? The black-and-white photo stamped “June 1962” showing him playing guitar to a

Notes from a funeral

7 pm – 16 hours to funeralOpen casket. Thirty-six years of age: husband, father and heart-attack victim, wearing jeans and a T-shirt that reads: Life

What Passes All Understanding

“Well, I’m going to talk to her about it,” announced the woman. “No, you’re not,” I shot back. The setting for this exchange was a

Truth or Dare

It was in my final year of university that I was called to the town hospital. The ride was brief and I struggled for composure.

The dreaded knock

We have to beat the press. No one talks that way of course, but the death of a soldier is news and we need to

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