Joelle Kidd

  • Joelle Kidd

    Joelle Kidd was a staff writer for the Anglican Journal from 2017 to 2021.


General Synod passes motion to sign, endorse Christian-Muslim dialogue

General Synod voted July 15 to sign on to “A Common Word Between Us and You” and endorse it as a model for Christian-Muslim dialogue. The letter extends “an invitation to look at two foundational principles present within both of our respective scriptures: the call to love God above all things, and the call that follows from that, to love our neighbours. Love of God and love of neighbour is the starting ground.”

“A Common Word” is a letter written in 2007 at the initiative of 138 Muslim scholars, clerics and political figures, according to the Rev. Scott Sharman, animator for ecumenical and interfaith relations, who gave a presentation to General Synod before the motion.

General Synod approves Jubilee Commission

General Synod passed a motion July 16 to affirm the creation of the Jubilee Commission, a commission tasked with finding a “just, sustainable and equitable

Around the dioceses, June 2019

Ministry plans urban farm at Toronto church A diocese of Toronto ministry has partnered with a local church to grow and distribute food to those

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