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Joelle Kidd

  • Joelle Kidd

    Joelle Kidd was a staff writer for the Anglican Journal from 2017 to 2021.


Anglicans find humour during COVID-19 isolation

As the coronavirus pandemic continues across the globe, Anglicans are adapting to a new normal of physical distancing measures, online services and video conferencing. While

CoGS mulls changes to diocesan giving

As proportional gifts from dioceses to General Synod—voluntary donations that make up nearly 90% of the national organization’s net revenue—enter a third year of decline,

When we breathe our last

Around the world, death cafés allow people of all faiths (and of none) to gather and discuss one of life’s greatest mysteries: its end. Before

The changing face of church

Some say that house churches may become an increasingly common solution to the problems of aging buildings, rising costs and diminishing finances that many of today’s shrinking congregations face.