Gavin Drake/ACNS



Photo: Pixabay

C of E investment arm wins international awards

The Church Commissioners – the statutory investment body responsible for historic assets of the Church of England – has won three major prizes at the Investment & Pensions Europe (IPE) Awards for its ethical and responsible investment work.

The cast of Call the Midwife on set in South Africa. Photo: BBC/Neal Street Productions

BBC’s Call the Midwife drama highlights work of USPG

The Christmas special of BBC’s popular Call the Midwife drama will feature the work of the Anglican mission agency USPG. The show follows the fortunes of the midwives and nuns at Nonnatus House, in east London, in 1961.

Ana Matalika’s story will feature in week four, when Manna’s Stories of Love Coming are inspired by Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Photo: Manna

Advent focus on Christians of Mozambique and Angola

The stories of Christians from Mozambique and Angola who have “been quietly getting on with building and being the church” will be published over the next four weeks as part of an Advent campaign by Manna – the Mozambique and Angola Mission Association.

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby in a video for Getting More Out of the Bible online Advent course. Photo: ChurchNext

Archbishop of Canterbury in online Advent course

Christians are being invited to get more out of the Bible with the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, through a new free online course which is being made available during Advent.

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