Diane Paquette



Anglicans watched

Military documents called protesters from the Anglican Church of Canada “anti-APEC” and “anti-economy” leading up to the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation summit in Vancouver last

Sacred walk wraps up at Ottawa reception

Ottawa Anglican Bishop Gordon Beardy and a score of other Native people from the Diocese of Keewatin ended a 6,500-kilometre Sacred Walk for Healing on

Churches seek gambling limits

Canadian churches have written to the federal minister of justice asking her to help stop the rapid expansion of state-sponsored gambling. The 19-member Canadian Council

World Council head appeals for hope

The General Secretary of the World Council of Churches appealed for hope in the global ecumenical movement during a recent visit to Canada, in the

Churchgoers happier, stats show

Some people try Prozac, others pop Valium, but it appears regular church-going could be just what the doctor ordered to get happy. According to a

Change on Arctic horizon

ONE CAN UNDERSTAND why members of the Diocese of the Arctic might use words like gargantuan to describe its geography. After all, the diocese is

Church fights to save paintings

An insidious problem haunts the coloured walls of St. Anne’s Church in west Toronto – a problem that, drip by drip, threatens to damage several

Anglican Video wins bronze

For the first time, Anglican Video has won an award from the prestigious International TV and Video Association of North America. Its half hour documentary,

Peace activists target cenotaph

Like the prophet Isaiah, former Toronto New Democrat MP and anti-war activist Rev. Dan Heap wants to turn swords into ploughshares. His target is the

‘Balanced’ slate of nominees lauded

Choosing the most suitable candidates to sit on the Anglican Church’s seven standing committees is a bit like juggling several balls in the air while

Church’s unity role hotly debated

The “s” words were not officially supposed to be part of the discussions on nation and identity during General Synod, but it didn’t take long

Neighbours talk about sex

Two Anglican church groups with profoundly different views on homosexuality say there is more uniting them than pulling them apart. Indeed, the members of Fidelity

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