David Torraville

  • David Torraville


From the cross to the tomb: the journey to Easter always goes through the pain, suffering and loneliness of the cross and yet, Madeline L'Engle writes, "Easter is always the answer to 'My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me!' " Illustration: Anna Payne-Krzyzanowski

‘To follow’ and then ‘to go’

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”-Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34

No passage of scripture affirms my faith in the power of the living God to know my soul more than this passage of abandonment. No one who has not lost a child can know that pain; no one who has not watched a beloved disappear into the fog of Alzheimer’s can know that helplessness; no one who has not felt forsaken by friends, by family, by church and by God can know that emptiness.

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