Anglican Video

  • Anglican Video


Sawsan Aranki Batato

In the Holy Land, where Christians only account for only  1.5 per cent of the population, the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem tries to make its

Arab Episcopal Medical Center

A hospital, run by the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem,  responds to health challenges facing the Palestinian population: increasing rates of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Israeli settlement checkpoints

First-hand account of the effects of the protracted Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in particular, the growth of Israeli settlements in Palestinian territories and the construction by Israel

Life among the dead

As Gaza descends further into poverty, several generations of a Palestinian family have set up a lean-to they call home, in a local cemetery.

Suheila and Al Ahli Arab Hospital

The Al Ahli Arab Hospital picked up the pieces when its building was partially damaged during a bombing of nearby St. Philip’s Chapel by Israeli

Unlike a tour, a pilgrimage immerses participants in a sacred geography. Photo: Richard Le Sueur

Tourist or pilgrim: it’s up to you

I used to live in Jerusalem. I lived there with my wife and our children in in the 1990s when I served with St. George’s College as the director of their Desert Program.

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