Anglican Journal Staff



The Al-Ahli Arab Hospital has been tending to civilians wounded by the ongoing Israeli offensive against Palestinian militants in Gaza. File photo: Anglican Video

Churches provide support for Gaza civilians

With the deepening conflict in the Middle East, Action by Churches Together (ACT) Alliance, a global grouping of church-based agencies working in emergencies worldwide, has announced that it is working with local partners to provide support for civilians who have been wounded and displaced by the ongoing Israeli operation against Palestinian militants in Gaza.

The funeral for RCMP Cst. Fabrice Georges Gevaudan, Cst. Dave Joseph Ross, and Cst. Douglas James Larche will be held at the Moncton Coliseum on June 10. Photo: Courtesy of the RCMP

Moncton prepares for RCMP funeral

Residents of Moncton and people acrossCanada are mourning the loss of three RCMP officers who were killed inthe line of duty by a gunman last week.

The fifth consultation of Anglican Bishops in Dialogue held part of its meeting at Coventry Cathedral. Photo: Andrew Walker/Wikimedia Commons Images

Coventry meeting ‘providential’

The Consultation of Anglican Bishops in Dialogue, at the end of their fifth meeting May 22 to 24, said they have come to realize that reconciliation is “far beyond agreeing to disagree” but is in fact about seeking “not only to tolerate but to understand.”

Bicycle ambulances like this one are helping to improve maternal and child health in remote communities in Mozambique, Burundi and Bangladesh. Photo: Zaida Bastos

PWRDF bicycle ambulance project recognized

The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) has been awardeda 2014 Civil Society Effectiveness Award for a program that helps itspartners provide bicycle and boat ambulances to remote communities inMozambique, Burundi and Bangladesh.

Over 70 Anglican and Lutheran bishops, clergy and laity attended the consultation, which aimed to facilitate the building of networks and friendships among those who are passionate about building healthy and vital parishes. Photo: Marites N. Sison

Conference energizes participants

Participants at the National Consultation on Congregational Vitality ended their meeting May 14-16 with a call to continue sharing resources and conversations around creating healthy and vital parishes across Canada.

The new St. Jude's Cathedral was opened in 2012. In 2005, the old igloo-shaped cathedral was extensively damaged by arson and rendered unusable. Photo: Courtesy of the Diocese of the Arctic

Arctic diocese strikes debt deal

The bishop of the diocese of the Arctic, David Parsons, is urging every Anglican in his diocese to give an additional $20 a week for the next year and a half so that it can pay off its remaining $1.9 million debt from the construction of St. Jude’s Cathedral by 2015.

Agricultural training conducted by the Episcopal diocese of Cuba has helped Cuban farmers become more self-sufficient and has made their families healthier.

Training Cuban farmers

Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, is urging Canadian Anglicans to help the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) raise $45,000 to train 150 people in sustainable farming techniques in Cuba.

Bishop-elect David Edwards and his wife Janet at the electoral synod in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Photo: Ana Watts

New bishop elected in Fredericton

Archdeacon David Edwards was elected as coadjutor bishop for thediocese of Fredericton at a synod on May 10. Bishop-elect Edwards waselected on the fourth ballot. There were five other nominees.

Ayak Yangalis, from the state of Bor, is one of nearly a million displaced by the ongoing violence in South Sudan. She has been living under a tree after she and her family were forced to flee their home early this year. Photo: ACT Alliance/Paul Jeffrey

Prayers and aid urged for South Sudan

With no clear end in sight for the conflict in South Sudan, the heads of the Anglican Church of Canada, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC), the Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) are urging their faithful to pray for “a lasting and meaningful peace” in the world’s newest state.

Calls for the release of the abducted schoolchildren have exploded on Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls, created by a group in Abuja, Nigeria, who wanted their government to exert more efforts in securing their release.

‘Pray for abducted schoolgirls’

Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, has asked Canadian Anglicans to pray for the safe return of more than 220 Nigerian schoolgirls who were abducted nearly three weeks ago by the radical Islamic group, Boko Haram.

Glenn Harvey’s original illustration, which accompanied the article, Corrective lenses needed, in the September issue’s special report on gender in the media, won first place at the 2014 Canadian Church Press Awards.

Journal wins 11 Canadian Church Press awards

The Anglican Journal was recognized with 11 awards, including one for general excellence in the national newspaper category, at the 2014 Canadian Church Press Convention held April 30 to May 2, in Winnipeg.

Crosstalk editor Art Babych's award-winning photo from an Anglican-Lutheran youth event focused on water issues on Parliament Hill last July.

Anglican Journal recognized with 15 awards

The Anglican Journal received 15 awards, including an Award of Excellence (first prize) in the category of General Excellence, Best in Class for national or international newspaper, at the annual Associated Church Press held at Chicago’s historic Palmer House Hilton, April 23 to 26. The awards recognized work in 2013.

The Supreme Court's refusal to hear an appeal ends a long-standing legal battle over a church property and trust fund in Windsor, Ont. Photo: justasc/Shutterstock

Supreme Court refuses to hear Windsor case

The Supreme Court of Canada has refused to hear an appeal of a lawsuitfrom parishioners of St. Aidan’s Church in Windsor, Ont., who left theAnglican Church of Canada in 2008 to join the Anglican Network in Canada(ANIC), ending a long legal battle over the church property and a trustfund.

Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People

Until you watch this documentary film, you won’t realize how much the biggest Hollywood films may have influenced the way you view Arabs, oftentimes in oh-so-subtle ways.


An independent film about a Palestinian Christian single mother from the West Bank, who moves with her teenage son from a small town to Chicago.


Directed by Israeli Yuval Adler, who co-wrote the script with Muslim Palestinian journalist Ali Waked, the film revolves around the bond that develops between an Israeli secret service officer and his young Palestinian informant, Sanfur.

Moshe and Munir

Two old friends-one Palestinian, one Jewish-reconnect after years of physical and cultural separation, in this powerful and uplifting documentary by CBC’s Adrienne Arsenault.

Five Broken Cameras

An Oscar-nominated documentary based on a Palestinian farmer’s video diary of the turmoil in his West Bank village of Bil’in.

Bishop Michael Bird of the diocese of Niagara has settled his defamation lawsuit against blogger David Jenkins. Photo: Anglican Journal

Bishop settles lawsuit with blogger

As a part of a mutually agreed court settlement of a defamation of character lawsuit, David Jenkins has apologized to Bishop Michael Bird of the diocese of Niagara “for any suffering he has experienced as a result of blog postings” on his blog Anglican Samizdat. 

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