Anglican Journal Staff



A typical classroom scene at a primary school in Pakistan. Photo: UNESCO/Akhtar Soomro/UN News Service

Primate prays for victims of Peshawar attack

Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, called for prayers for the families of the 132 children and nine staff members killed in the Dec. 16 attack on a school in Peshawar, Pakistan.

Christmas traditionally is a time for sharing and giving. Photo: Focal Point

A meaningful Christmas

The Anglican Journal asked readers to tell us about things they have done that have made Christmas more meaningful. Here are some stories.

"Out of the frying pan-into the fire," by Karen Burns. 

Turning a new leaf

The Bible has a number of passages about new beginnings, including Isaiah 43:19: “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do

Patriarchs and church leaders in Jerusalem recently underlined the importance of maintaining reasonable access to Holy sites in the “delicate political climate.” Photo:Wikimedia Commons/Andrew Shiva

WCC condemns attack in synagogue

The World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary, the Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit, has issued a statementexpressing sadness and concern and condemning the violent attack in aJerusalem synagogue Nov. 18 that left four worshippers and one policemandead and many injured.

An interfaith service will be held Oct. 26 to, organizers say, offer prayers and hope following the recent attacks on Parliament Hill. Photo: Elena Itsenko/Shutterstock

Interfaith service to be held for Ottawa

In the wake of the deadly shooting that rocked Ottawa and the rest of Canada Oct. 22, religious leaders and government officials are gathering for an interfaith service, A Prayer for Ottawa, to be held at Christ Church Anglican Cathedral on Sunday, Oct. 26.

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby says a decision about the 2018 Lambeth conference will be made once he has visited all provinces of the Anglican Communion by the end of the year. Photo: Lambeth Palace

Primates to decide on Lambeth 2018

In an interview with the Church of Ireland Gazette on Oct. 3, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby addressed speculation that the next Lambeth Conference, which is usually held every 10 years and was expected to be in 2018, might be postponed.

“…[As] citizens we have chosen to support or acquiesce in policies that shift the burdens of climate change to communities that are most vulnerable to its effects,” Anglican and Lutheran leaders wrote in a joint pastoral message that also said “the present moment is a critical one” to take action. Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Ceekaypee

Anglican, Lutheran leaders speak out on climate change

Just ahead of a large-scale climate march planned to take place in New York City on Sept. 21 and a one-day climate summit at UN headquarters on Sept. 23, leaders of Anglican, Episcopal and Lutheran churches in Canada and the U.S. have issued a joint pastoral message on climate change.

The Duncan Dam was one of four dams constructed under the Columbia River Treaty signed by Canada, the province of British Columbia and the United States. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

US, Canada urged to ‘right historic wrongs’ in Columbia River Treaty

Religious and indigenous leaders from Canada and the United States today urged U.S. President Barack Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to begin negotiations that would “right historic wrongs” and promote “water stewardship” in the Columbia River Treaty.

UN staff assist hospitals in Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone in their efforts to halt the spread of the Ebola virus. Photo: UN Photos/Facebook

PWRDF contributes to Ebola prevention

The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) is responding to the Ebola crisis in Western Africa by sending $15,000 through the Action by Churches Together (ACT) Alliance to help people in Liberia detect symptoms and prevent the spread of the disease.

Hope Bear goes to college

The Anglican Foundation of Canada’s Kids Helping Kids Fund has a special Hope Bear for college and university students. College Bear comes with a hand-knitted scarf depicting the colours of a student’s college/university and a special prayer card.

A family shelters in a primary school in Alqosh, Duhok after fleeing their home in Mosul. Photo: UNHCR/S. Baldwin.

PWRDF sends aid to Iraq

The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) has announced that it will send an initial grant of $10,000 through the ACT Alliance to help aid some of the more than one million people displaced by violent conflict in northern and western Iraq.

“For all sides to persist with their current strategy, be it threatening security by the indiscriminate firing of rockets at civilian areas or aerial bombing which increasingly fails to distinguish between combatants and non-combatants, is self-defeating,” Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby wrote. Photo: ACNS

Welby calls for end to Gaza violence

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby is calling for leaders in Israel and Gaza to immediately end the violence and seek a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict.

A new wing of the Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza, run by the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, looks finished in this photo taken in early 2014, but funds for equipment and necessities to make it operational have yet to be raised. Photo: Anglican Video

Primate calls for peace and prayers

As a five-hour temporary ceasefire between Hamas and Israel expired and fighting resumed today, Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, added his voice to the many calling for an end to the violence.

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